As evident from the latest scenario, herbal cure is getting worldwide acceptance and thus emphasizing modern scientific evaluation and extraction of medicines from plants. It not only takes the role of curing any particular diseases but also brings balance to irregularities in one's body constitution and leads to a better life style.
Treatment with herbs also includes exercise, dietary changes, meditation, yoga, herbal sweat baths, and herbal tonics. According to the Ayurvedic science a person becomes sick only after poor internal organ function so they stress more on the use of quality herbs, a healthy ayurvedic diet according to your constitution and exercise can keep you in good health. The classification of Ayurvedic herbs falls into five different categories based on their origin, habitat, various actions, and specific actions on doshas and according to their use.
Classification as per origin Dravyas are constituted by panchamahabhootas (five elements).A dravya is said to be of a particular mahabhoota if it forms a major constituent of the dravya. There are five types of dravyas |
Parthiv |
Apaya | |
Taijas | |
Vayaveeya | |
Akasheeya | |
Classification As Per Habitat, Family, Morphology and Life Span Of Herbs (Dravya) |
Sthalaj – Plants & trees that grow on land e.g. Haritaki, Amalki etc |
Jalaj - Plants that grow in water, e.g. Lotus, Spyrogyra. | |
Vruksharuha – Plants that grows on the surface of other trees but does not depend on them for their food. Eg Rasana | |
Vrukshadan –Plants that lives on other trees and depends on them for their nutrition. | |
Classification as per the Doshas |
Shaman - Dravyas, which equate the vitiated dosha without purifying the doshas. |
Kopan - Dravyas, which vitiate the doshas in equilibrium | |
Swasthahita - Dravyas which have a tendency to increase or decrease vatadi doshas but do not produce vitiation of these doshas in a healthy person. | |
Classification as per the use of herbs |
Aushadh - dravya drugs |
Ahar dravya drugs |