Scientific Classification:
Other Common Names:
The other common names for the herb horehound are White Horehound, hoarhound and marrubium.


Horehound is a plant that belongs to the mint family. Originally native to Europe indigenous to Britain, Central and Western Asia and North Africa and now it has become naturalised in many parts of the world including temperate Australia.
The horehound is a perennial herb that is often seen growing in open meadows and pastures, as well as in waste places, along railroad tracks and on roadsides in many parts of the coastal areas.
White Horehound is a hardy plant, easily grown, and flourishes best in a dry, poor soil. It can be propagated from seeds sown in spring, cuttings, or by dividing the roots. It generally requires a habitat of well drained soil without water logging. Ideal growth can be observed in dry soil poor in nutrients. There are also scientific studies that state that soils rich in nitrogen may be ideal for growing the horehound. For optimum growth, the horehound prefers soils that are neutral or slightly alkaline. The site must also be warm with a good exposure to sunlight.
The horehound is usually propagated using stocked seeds which are sown in seedbeds on a cold frame during the spring, April or in May and at times in the fall, August or September. When the seedlings emerge from the soil and turn large enough to handle, each seedling must be pricked out into single pots which are then to be plant out in the spring of the following year. The cuttings from the base of the plant are carried out late in the spring for which the shoots must be harvested along with plenty of attached underground stem - this must be done when the plants are eight to ten cm above the soil bed. The cuttings may be potted up singly and then kept in light shade on a cold frame or grown inside a greenhouse - till they begin to root well in the soil. The horehound seedlings emerging from cutting can be planted out doors in the summer of the following year. The division must be done in the spring. When dividing, the large clumps may be transplanted direct into the permanent site, as for the smaller clumps, it may be best to grow them on a cold frame till they start to root well in the soil. These plantlets can then be transplanted out to the permanent site in the spring of the following year.
Flowering Season
The flowers of the herb horehound are generally in bloom in the months of midsummer.
Pests and Diseases
The main detrimental effect of horehound in pastures is the contamination of sheep and goat fleeces by its dry fruits. The hooked calyx on the fruit is adapted for attachment to fleeces, leading to significant losses in their value due to matting. For minor infestations of pests like aphids and mytes a forceful spray of water is just enough. When infestations are limited to only one plant or stem, prune away the affected areas.Parts Used
Though the whole plant is of both medicinal and commercial use, generally the dried leaves and the flowering top are of most use. If your herbs fall prey to insects or diseases there are several acceptable controls available.Medicinal Applications

- The plant's bitter principle, with its expectorant properties, is responsible in part for the major medicinal use of white horehound for respiratory disorders.
- The volatile oil in the plant has the same expectorant property, as well as dilating the arteries.
- For centuries white horehound has been traditionally a reliable liver and digestive remedy.
- The plant has also been used to reduce fevers and treat malaria.
- It is also recommended it as an antidote for poisons and for dog and serpent bytes.
- The powdered leaves have also been employed as a vermifuge and the green leaves, bruised and boiled in lard, are made into an ointment which is good for wounds.
- The syrup of horehound is excellent for cold rheums in the lungs of old people, and for those who are asthmatical or short-winded.
- Taken with the roots, it helps to expectorate tough phlegm from the chest.
- It is given to women to bring down their courses, to expel the afterbirth and also to people who have taken poison.
- The juice, with wine and honey, helps to clear the eyesight and, snuffed up the nostrils; it purges away the yellow jaundice.
- The bitter action stimulates the flow and secretion of bile from the gall-bladder, aiding digestion.
- Horehound is used externally to promote the healing of wounds.
- It favours as a hypoglycemic agent for diabetes mellitus and as a non-opioid pain reliever.
- It is used for treatment of heartburn, poor appetite and intestinal disorders.
- It is very bitter with antiseptic and expectorant properties, which also relieves spasms, increases perspiration, stimulates bile flow and has a calming effect on the heart.
Commercial Applications
- Horehound is a serviceable remedy against Cankerworm in trees, and it is stated that if it be put into new milk and set in a place pestered with flies, it will speedily kill them all.
- The plant is easily grown and has been long been cultivated in the corners of country gardens for the making of tea and candy for use in coughs and colds.
- The leaves are used in the manufacture of horehound teas and wines.
Quotes from History and Scriptures
The Egyptian priests called horehound the "Seed of Horus", or the "Bulls Blood", and "The eye of the Star". It was a principal ingredient in the negro Caesars's antidote for vegetable poisons.
Folklore and Myths
Horehound was traditionally carried in sachets as a protection against sorcery. It is said to release healing vibrations mixed with ash leaves in a bowl of water and placed in a sick person's room. When drunk as a tea, the herb will promote mental acumen and clarity.MORE ON AYURVEDA | |