Scientific Classification:
Other Common Names:
The other common names for the herb daisy are Great Ox-eye,Goldens,Marguerite,Moon Daisy, Horse Gowan,Maudlin Daisy, Field Daisy, Dun Daisy, Butter Daisy, Horse Daisy,Maudlinwort,White,Weed,Leucanthemum vulgare and Gowan. History


The oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare, syn. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) also known as the marguerite is a widespread flowering plant native to Europe and the temperate regions of Asia. It was introduced in parts of North America, Australia and New Zealand, where it is now a common weed displacing native plant species in some areas.Habitat
A very common flower, Daisy can be seen anywhere in the meadows, gardens, and other grassy green areas. The oxeye daisy is a typical meadow flower, growing in a variety of plant communities such as dry fields, meadows, but also under scrubs, open-canopy forests and waste places. It thrives in a wide range of conditions and prefers heavy and damp soils.Cultivation
Though Daisies are highly adaptable to available climate and soil conditions still the ones being planted in the gardens do need some extra care and better treatment. The Daisies flower extraordinarily in light, loamy and clay soils and the best ones survive in the well drained soils. Water is a necessity however it is advisable to keep the soil moistened and not hasten in watering the plant as sogging soil gives rise to fungal diseases and root rots .The pH of the soil should range from medium to maximum and acidic or neutral soils enhance the plant growth to a great extent Sunlight is the deciding factor in Daisies growth. A daylight of at leats six hours ensures blooming flowers and on the same grounds extra shade might put a stop to flowering.
Flowering Season
The white flowers of the daisy are in bloom from late spring to late summer.
Pests and Diseases
The most common pests affecting the daisy family are aphids, broad mite, cyclamen mite, leafminers, nematodes, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies. Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Gray mold, leaf spots, powdery mildew, root, crown and stem rots, and virus are the common diseases generally noticed in this plant.
Parts Used
The most commonly used parts of daisy are the flowers, the root and the entire herb for its medicinal and commercial purposes.
Medicinal Applications

- An ointment made from Daisies helps all inflammatory wounds or where there is delayed healing.
- Daisy has been successfully employed in whooping-cough, asthma and nervous excitability.
- Taken as a tonic daisy has been recommended for night sweats.
- The flowers are balsamic and make a useful infusion for relieving chronic coughs and for bronchial catarrhs.
- Externally, it is used as a lotion for wounds, bruises, ulcers and some cutaneous diseases.
- It has also been used to cure cancer and treat Digestive imbalances as an emollient, expectorant and Laxative
- The fresh or dried flowering heads are normally used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, liver and kidney disorders, as a blood purifier, etc.
- Chewing Daisy leaves is said to cure mouth ulcers.
Commercial Applications
- It makes up for an excellent cut flower and thus gets placed in numerous bouquets and other ornamental usage
- Daisy has also been used as a potherb. The green and young leaves can be cooked or eaten raw due to their delicious raw flavour and also been used extensively in the salads
- Flower buds and petals are eaten raw in sandwiches, soups and salads
- A well blended mixture of the Daisy leaves can form a very effective insect repellent.
- Daisy is a fodder for horses, sheep and goats.
Religious Influence
An old tradition connecting it with the Thunder God, and hence it is sometimes spoken of as the 'Dun Daisy.' In Christian days, it was transferred to St. Mary Magdalen and called Maudelyn or Maudlin Daisy after her. Gerard terms it Maudlinwort. Symbolism
The white colour of the common Daisy not only signifies peaceful innocence but also denotes sophistication and diligence.
Folklore and Myths
In Tyrol Germany this plant was placed in hay lofts to protect buildings from lightning. It may have had similar roles in English folklore but unfortunately these have not been recorded. Its thunder names may simply refer to another plant which attracts lightning when it is picked.MORE ON AYURVEDA | |