Sunderbans National Park

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Sunderbans National Park


Ever thought of spending a whole day in the midst of mudclad crocodiles, hopping Cheetahs and majestic royal Bengals, for which Sunderbans is the idle location. Situated on the largest delta in the world, is the largest national park in India, the name of which means 'The Beautiful Jungle'. And the world knows it by the name 'Sunderbans'.This fertile delta is constituted by the rivers Ganges,Brahmaputra and Meghna.It is noted for the largest tiger reserve in India.

In the year 1997 it was awarded by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.Sunderbans evokes the feeling of animal lover in you. Where after a close encounter with the wild you can spend the adventurous night in the launch under the shooting stars. The other major credit of Sunderbans is that it is the world's largest delta covered by mangrove forest and vast saline mud flats.


The Sunderban region has got its name from Sundari trees, once found in abundance here. It is a land of 54 tiny islands, crisscrossed by innumerable tributaries of Ganga, is now abode of varied flora and fauna population. The vast swampy delta of the two great Indian rivers, Brahamaputra and the Ganges extends over areas comprising of mangrove forests, swamps and forest island all interwoven in a network of small rivers and streams. It is the home of Royal Bengal tiger.


Sunderbans is situated on the lower end of the Gangetic West Bengal, 22.00 degree north and 89.00 degree east.


The ideal time to visit Sunderbans is between September and March.


The Flora

Being one of the largest estuarine deltas in the world Sunderbans is the home of exotic floral items. In April and May the flaming red leaves of the Genwa, edge the emerald islands. The crab like red flowers of the Kankara and the yellow blooms of Khalsi add to the dazzling display.


The fauna of Sunderban takes the pride of having the highest number of tiger reserve in the country. Apart from the tiger census of more than 500 there are other forms of wild animals in this mangrove forest like Gangetic dolphin, little porpoise, fishing cat, Indian fox, jungle cat, small Indian civet, common grey mongoose, spotted deer, wild pig, Indian flying fox, rhesus monkey and pangolin.


The Sunderbans provide important habitat for a variety of reptiles including river terrapin, Olive Ridley, estuarine crocodile, monitor lizard, water monitor and Indian python. The only species of turtle known to nest in the Sunderbans is the Olive Ridley but hawksbill has also been caught in fishermen's nets. There are at least 90 species of fish, 48 species of crabs and a large variety of molluscs.

Avian Species

Sunderban area is the home of beautiful and some rare varieties of birds like Asian openbill stork (Anastomus oscitans), black-necked stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus), greater adjutant stork (Leptoptilos dubius), white ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus), swamp francolin (Francolinus gularis), white-collared kingfisher (Halcyon chloris), black-capped kingfisher (Halcyon pileata) and brown-winged kingfisher (Pelargopsis amauroptera).It is the home of both resident and migratory birds. Early mornings and late afternoons are best for bird watching.

The Sajnakhali Sanctuary

The Sajnakhali sanctuary is known for its varieties of birds which really enchants the tourists coming here. Some of the birds of common sight are pecies of Kingfisher, white bellied Sea Eagle, Plovers, Lap-Wings, Curfews, Whimpers, Sandpipers and occasional Pelican.


Bhagabatpur is famous throughout the world for having a hatchery of the largest estuarine crocodiles.


Kanak is the nesting place of the Olive Ridley Turtles.

Haliday Island

In the Haliday island one can look for the barking deer.


This is an ideal picnic spot which is full of splendid natural beauty and colourful, rich in flora and fauna.

Eat Outs and Accommodation

There are a huge number of Hotels in Sundarbans that have been tailor made to suit the different budgets of different people. The famous hotels in the Sundarbans include Sundar Chital Tourist Lodge, Sundeban Tiger Camp and Vivada Crusies. The Hotels in Sundarbans, India provide excellent accommodation facilities to the guests.

1.Sunderbans Jungle Camp, Sunderbans  
bali island,sunderbans,west bengal

2.Suranjana Holiday Resort, Sunderbans
Sundarban. Dayapur PO: Gosaba. 24 Parganas (South) West Bengal. INDIA

3.Hotel Sunderban

4.Sajnekhali Tourist Lodge, Sunderban


By Air

The nearest airport is Kolkatta, at 112-kms.

By Trains

Canning is nearest railhead, at a distance of 48-kms.

By Road

Road transportation is available from Kolkatta for Namkhana (105-kms), Sonakhali (100-kms), Raidighi (76-kms), Canning (64-kms), and Najat (92-kms), which are all near the Sunderbans and have access to the riverine waterways leading to it.

By Water

Sundarbans are accessible only by riverrine waterways. Motor launch facilitiy are available from Namkhana - Bhagabatpur Crocodile Project- Sagar Island -Jambudwip; from Sajnekhali - Sudhanyakhali-Buridabri- Netidhopan-Holiday Island; from Sonakhali - Gosaba; from Raidighi - Kalas.

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