



Bhubaneshwar is the capital of Odisha.It is also popularly know as the "The Temple City of India”.This is an important pilgrimage centre.

Cuttack Cuttack situated in the state of Odisha.It is flanked by Mahanadi in the North and Kathajodi in the South. It is also known for its Odishan handicraft items.

Konark is the third link in Odisha's Golden triangle and is situated at a distance of about 35kms from Puri, has some of the most spectacular examples of religious architecture.


The holy city of Puri, 60kms from Bhubaneshwar is one of the four holiest points of pilgrimage for Hindus.The other important features of Puri are its beautiful beaches which have offered pleasure to both pilgrims and swimmers for centuries.

Rourkela is one of the beautiful and the second largest city of Odisha .This place is very famous for education.Another important feature of this city is its hundred percent literacy rate.

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