International Airline telephone numbers of Mumbai

241/242, Nirmal
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2821682
2841743, 2871942.
241/242, Nirmal
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2821682
2841743, 2871942.

Air Canada
B/1 Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2027632, and 2027512
B/1 Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2027632, and 2027512

Air France
Maker Chambers VI, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2024818, 2025021
Airport information tel # 022-8328070, 8323072.
Maker Chambers VI, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2024818, 2025021
Airport information tel # 022-8328070, 8323072.

Air India
Air India building
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2024142 or 146
Airport tel # 022-6157777
Air India building
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2024142 or 146
Airport tel # 022-6157777

Air Lanka
12D Raheja Centre, ground floor
Nariman Point, tel # 022-2823288, 2823299, and 2823590.
12D Raheja Centre, ground floor
Nariman Point, tel # 022-2823288, 2823299, and 2823590.

Air Mauritius
Air India building
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2028474, 2026430.
Air India building
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2028474, 2026430.

Industrial Insurance building
Veer Nariman road
tel # 022-2045018, 2045026
Airport tel # 022-8211625, 8328083.
Industrial Insurance building
Veer Nariman road
tel # 022-2045018, 2045026
Airport tel # 022-8211625, 8328083.

American Airlines
c/o National Travel Service
4th Floor, 41/42 Maker Chamber III
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2824467, 2854671.
c/o National Travel Service
4th Floor, 41/42 Maker Chamber III
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2824467, 2854671.

Al Yemenda Airways
tel # 022-2024229.
tel # 022-2024229.

Bangladesh Biman
199, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2824659, 2824580
199, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2824659, 2824580

British Airways
202B, Veer Nairman Road
tel # 022-2820888
Airport information tel # 8329061
202B, Veer Nairman Road
tel # 022-2820888
Airport information tel # 8329061

Canadian Pacific Airlines
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 2042174.
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 2042174.

Cathay Pacific
Taj Mahal Hotel
Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2029112, 2029113.
Taj Mahal Hotel
Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2029112, 2029113.

Continental Airlines
STIC Travels
Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade, Colaba
tel # 022-2181431, 2184594, 2180604, 2182831.
STIC Travels
Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade, Colaba
tel # 022-2181431, 2184594, 2180604, 2182831.

Czechoslovak Airlines
309, Raheja Chambers
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2820736, 2820765.
309, Raheja Chambers
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2820736, 2820765.

Delta Airlines
Taj Mahal Hotel
Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2885659
Airport tel # 8349890.
Taj Mahal Hotel
Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2885659
Airport tel # 8349890.

Druk Air Royal Bhutan Airlines
2 Raheja Centre
ground floor
tel # 2874939, 2874940.
2 Raheja Centre
ground floor
tel # 2874939, 2874940.

7, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2041866, 2821562, 2824088.
7, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2041866, 2821562, 2824088.

Mittal Chambers
228, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2871645, 2871648
Airport information tel # 022-8365730, 8365731.
Mittal Chambers
228, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2871645, 2871648
Airport information tel # 022-8365730, 8365731.

El Al Israel Airlines
Hotel President
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2183199, 2189706.
Hotel President
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2183199, 2189706.

Ethiopian Airlines
Taj Mahal Hotel
tel # 022-2028787, 2024525.
Taj Mahal Hotel
tel # 022-2028787, 2024525.

Gulf Air
Maker Chambers V
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2021626.
Maker Chambers V
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2021626.

Iran Airways
Sunder Mahal
Marine Drive
tel # 022-2047070, 2045082.
Sunder Mahal
Marine Drive
tel # 022-2047070, 2045082.

Iraqi Airways
79, Mayfair
Veer Nariman Road
tel # 022-2821217, 2020597
IA flights in and out of have been indefinitely suspended.
79, Mayfair
Veer Nariman Road
tel # 022-2821217, 2020597
IA flights in and out of have been indefinitely suspended.

Japan Airways and Indo Japan Air Services
2, Raheja Centre
Nariman Point
tel # 2874939, 2874940.
2, Raheja Centre
Nariman Point
tel # 2874939, 2874940.

Kenya Airways
199, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2820064, 2045351.
199, J Tata Road
tel # 022-2820064, 2045351.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines/Northwest
Khetan Bhavan
J Tata Road
tel # 022-2833338, 8380838.
Khetan Bhavan
J Tata Road
tel # 022-2833338, 8380838.

All Nippon Airways
10 Raheja Centre
ground floor
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2882175, 2846352.
10 Raheja Centre
ground floor
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2882175, 2846352.

Austrian Airlines
B/1, Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823080, 2830536, 2021111.
B/1, Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823080, 2830536, 2021111.

Al Italia Airlines
Induastrial Insurance Building
Ground floor, Nariman Point
mumbai 20
tel # 022-2043026, 2043027, 2043028.
Induastrial Insurance Building
Ground floor, Nariman Point
mumbai 20
tel # 022-2043026, 2043027, 2043028.

Korean Airways
111, Maharshi Karve Road
tel # 022-291946, 2056440.
111, Maharshi Karve Road
tel # 022-291946, 2056440.

Kuwait Airways
Veer Nariman Road
tel # 022-2045351, 2047464.
Veer Nariman Road
tel # 022-2045351, 2047464.

Lot Polish Airlines
Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2185494, 2181431
2181440, and 2180604.
Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2185494, 2181431
2181440, and 2180604.

Lufthansa German Airlines
Express Towers, Nariman Point, tel # 022-2881061, and 2023430. At Sahar International airport, Terminal 2, # 022-8320827/ 8321485.
Express Towers, Nariman Point, tel # 022-2881061, and 2023430. At Sahar International airport, Terminal 2, # 022-8320827/ 8321485.

Malaysian Airlines
6, Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2181440, 2185494
6, Maker Arcade
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2181440, 2185494

Pakisthan International Airways
opposite Ambassador Hotel
tel # 022-2021598, 2021455.
opposite Ambassador Hotel
tel # 022-2021598, 2021455.

Philippines Airways
13/1, Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2029050
13/1, Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2029050

Qatar Airways
Airways Joravar Bhavan
near Kala Niketan
Marine Lines
tel # 022-2038277, 2038278.
Airways Joravar Bhavan
near Kala Niketan
Marine Lines
tel # 022-2038277, 2038278.

Saudi Arabian Airlines
Express Towers
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2020199, 2020049, 2025726.
Express Towers
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2020199, 2020049, 2025726.

Singapore Airlines
Taj Mahal, Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2022747, 2023316
Airport tel # 022-8327024, 8353550.
Taj Mahal, Apollo Bunder
tel # 022-2022747, 2023316
Airport tel # 022-8327024, 8353550.

South African Airways
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 2842237, 2823451.
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 2842237, 2823451.

Swissair Airlines
Maker Chambers
VI, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2870122.
Maker Chambers
VI, Nariman Point
tel # 022-2870122.

Syrian Arab Airlines
7, Brabourne Stadium
tel # 022-2826143.
7, Brabourne Stadium
tel # 022-2826143.

hai Airways
15, World Trade Centre
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2189191, 2186502, 2185426.
15, World Trade Centre
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2189191, 2186502, 2185426.

Trans World Airlines Inc
B/1 Amarchand Mansion Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823050, 2823081, 2823082.
B/1 Amarchand Mansion Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823050, 2823081, 2823082.

Turkish Airlines
tel# 2043605, 2040744
tel# 2043605, 2040744

United Airlines
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 022-2853894, 2047027.
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 022-2853894, 2047027.

US Air
Discover the World Marketing
6, Nagin Mahal
2nd Floor, Vir Nariman Road
tel # 022-2884504.
Discover the World Marketing
6, Nagin Mahal
2nd Floor, Vir Nariman Road
tel # 022-2884504.

Varig Airlines
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 022-2022661, 2023284.
Podar House
10, Marine Drive
tel # 022-2022661, 2023284.

Yemen Airways
World Trade Centre
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2188284, 2188285
World Trade Centre
Cuffe Parade
tel # 022-2188284, 2188285

Quantas Airways
42, Sakhar Bhavan
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2029297, 2020343, 2044009.
42, Sakhar Bhavan
Nariman Point
tel # 022-2029297, 2020343, 2044009.

Royal Jordanian
B/1 Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823065, 2823035.
B/1 Amarchand Mansion
Madame Cama Road
tel # 022-2823065, 2823035.

Scandinavian Airlines System
Podar House
Marine Drive
tel # 022-2027083.
Podar House
Marine Drive
tel # 022-2027083.
Disclaimer : or its owners does not stand guarantee for the services provided by the above mentioned service providers. The contact information is provided to give point of contact. Customers are expected to decide on their own, while availing their services.