This cake is made up of a chocolate layer cake with cherries in the middle and whipped cream on top. It is a fairly simple cake to put together, despite it looking complicated.
Chopped chocolate
: 1 cup
Self-rising flour
: 2 cups
Cocoa powder
: 2 tbsp
Baking soda
: 1/4 tsp
Brown sugar
: 1 cup
: 2/3 cup
Vanilla extract
: 1 tbsp
: 2
Buttermilk and plain yogurt
1/2 cup
Cherry liquer or substitute
Cherry jam or cherry fruit filling
Whipped cream
: 1 1/4
Crushed chocolate flake bar or grated chocolate

- Closely line the base and sides of a straight-sided deep 20 cm/18in diameter souffle dish with plastic wrap. Melt the chocolate in a small bowl on Defrost for 3-4 minutes, stirring twice. Sift the flour, cocoa and baking soda directly into a food processor bowl.
- Add the melted chocolate with all the remaining ingredients and process for about 1 minute or until the ingredients are well combined and the mixture resembles a thick batter.
- Spoon into the prepared dish and cover loosely with kitchen paper. Cook on full for 9-10 minutes, turning the dish twice, until the cake has risen to the rim of the dish and the top is covered with small, broken bubbles and looks fairly dry.
- If any sticky patches remain, cook on full for further 20-30 seconds. Allow to stand in the microwave for about 15 minutes (the cake will fall slightly) then take it out and leave to cool completely.
- Cold cut the cake horizontally into three layers and moisten each with cherry liquer. Sandwich together with Cherry Jam or cherry fruit filling.
- Beat 1 1/4 cups of whipped cream until thick. Spread over the top and sides of cake. Press a crushed chocolate flake bar or grated chocolate against the sides, then decorate the top with halved cherries.