indian thali



Dieting is a way of life. It does not mean that one has to fast and avoid tasty and lip-smacking foods. It is that food should be taken on a particular basis depending upon his/her constitution and using the ingredients that do no harm on the long run.

Indian diet recipes are free from fat and is suited for those who want to stay youngforever and prolong their lives. Obsesity and other lifestyle based diseases are caused when ones diet goes out of control.Choosing healthDiet recipes are not only healthy but also tasty too. Most of the locally available cereals,pulses, fruits and vegetables are used to prepare diet recipes. Care has been taken that this section should be useful to the diet conscious. Browse this section for various types of diet recipes.

Some dieting tips:
  • Don't eat if you are not hungry .
  • Eat to live, don't live to eat
  • Avoid fast food, junk food, any food without nutrition
  • Eat negative calorie foods like celery, apples,etc.
  • Eat breakfast, high protein, the most important meal of the day
  • Add healthy foods to your diet more fruits and vegetables
  • Remove unhealthy snacks and deserts from your diet
  • Eat smaller portions, more meals if needed

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