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Causes, symptoms and cure for nasal polypi: Manage asthma, clear allergens with regular saline sprays

Do you find yourself dealing with persistent nasal congestion and a reduced sense of smell? It could be because of nasal polypi, which could block nasal passages, impacting breathing and comfort. Recognising and preventing these growths is vital for ensuring good nasal health.

Nasal polypi are swellings that form within the nose and the paranasal sinuses, air spaces connected to the nasal cavity. These growths can occur simultaneously in one or both nostrils and are more prevalent in males. There are two primary types: the antro-choanal polyp and bilateral ethmoidal polypi.

Underlying causes:

Nasal polyp may arise due to several underlying causes. When the mucosa of the nose, the layer that protects the inner lining and humidifies the air, becomes inflamed, it appears swollen and red. On prolonged irritation, it may form a polyp. The conditions that can lead to this include long-term sinusitis, a history of asthma and an intolerance to aspirin. Syndromes such as Young syndrome can also result in the formation of nasal polypi. The polypi may usually be found on the lateral wall of the nose and very rarely on the floor of the nose.

Symptoms and signs:

The polyp may be unilateral or bilateral. Their presence leads to the stuffiness of the nose, causing nasal obstruction, impaired sense of smell and headache (due to sinusitis). The person may also complain of excessive sneezing and watery nasal discharge. Voice changes (hyponasality) may also be observed. When probed, it does not bleed, which helps to differentiate it from other causes of nasal swelling or obstruction.

Occasionally, nasal polypi might contribute to obstructive sleep apnea, disrupting sleep patterns and daytime fatigue. Furthermore, their presence can exacerbate existing conditions like asthma, intensify respiratory symptoms and affect your respiratory health.

Treatment options:

Treatment options for nasal polypi often include using antihistamines and decongestants to reduce the symptoms and the inflammation within the nasal passages. Additionally, corticosteroid nasal sprays and saline irrigations may be recommended to manage the swelling further and improve nasal airflow. In some cases, surgical intervention might be necessary to remove larger polyps obstructing the nasal passages.

To actively minimise the likelihood of nasal polypi occurrence:

Maintain optimal humidity: Using a humidifier at home helps regulate nasal moisture levels and minimise the risk of dryness that can aggravate nasal passages, potentially leading to inflammation and polyp development.

Manage asthma: Adhering meticulously to prescribed asthma treatments controls asthma symptoms and decreases the probability of nasal polypi development. Unmanaged asthma can intensify nasal inflammation, potentially contributing to polyp growth.

Maintain nasal hygiene: Regular nasal lavage or saline sprays aid in clearing irritants and allergens, thus fostering smoother mucus flow within the nasal passages. This practice reduces the likelihood of inflammation and potential polyp formation.

Environmental triggers: Steering clear of environmental pollutants is essential. Environmental triggers that contribute to the development of nasal polypi encompass various factors. These include exposure to allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Chemical irritants from tobacco smoke, air pollution, strong odours, or cleaning products also play a role. Climate factors, including extreme dryness or fluctuations in humidity levels, can contribute. Additionally, specific occupational environments with airborne irritants and indoor settings with poor ventilation or indoor pollutants further impact nasal health and may contribute to the formation of nasal polypi.

indian mirror



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