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Are you tall? You are at higher risk of getting cancer

Researchers have developed a couple of theories to understand this link between cancer and height. The first is associated to the fact a taller person will have more cells.

A report has revealed that taller people are at higher risk of developing cancer. The report by the World Cancer Research Fund reveals that there is strong evidence taller people have a higher chance of developing cancer of the: pancreas; large bowel; uterus (endometrium); ovary; prostate; kidney; skin (melanoma); and breast (pre- and post-menopausal).

The UK Million Women Study found that for 15 of the 17 cancers researchers investigated, the taller you are the more likely you are to have them.

A report by Science Alert reveals that overall, each ten-centimetre increase in height increased the risk of developing cancer by about 16 percent. A similar increase has been found in men.

Another study found 22 of 23 cancers occurred more commonly in taller than in shorter people.

Reportedly, the relationship between height and cancer risk occurs across ethnicities and income levels, as well as in studies that have looked at genes that predict height.

These results highlight that there is a biological reason for the link between cancer and height. Researchers have developed a couple of theories to understand this link. The first is associated to the fact a taller person will have more cells.

According to scientists, cancer develops through an accumulation of damage to genes that can occur in a cell when it divides to create new cells.

Another theory is that there is a common factor that makes people taller as well as increases their cancer risk. However, this has not been a consistent finding for all cancer types.

If you are taller and worried that you might get cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy approach.

Source:  financialexpress

indian mirror



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