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Wild Ass

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Indian Wild Ass called with scientific name as Equus hemionus khur is a rare species of Indian Wildlife.

Its kingdom is Animalia and Phylum being Chordata, belongs to Class Mammalia with the order Perissodactyla. In general it is classified with the Family name as Equidae.

Commonly it is also called with several other names as Indian Wild Ass, Khur, Ghorkhar, or Ghorkad.

Physical Structure

Indian wild ass is quite similar to a horse-like structure. Its coat is sandy in color, it may also change from reddish gray to beige, and to pale chestnut. Mane is dark and also erect and it goes from the back of the head till the neck area. Mane is dark and brown stripes moves with the back of the animal till the end of the tail. Indian wild ass may attain a body length of upto 260 cm and its shoulder has a height of 120 cm range. It has a tail that is quite slim, slender and can gain a length of around 80 cm. It is covered by a brownish and yellow mingled hair.

Indian wild ass has a body weight that is approximately 250 kg in usual. Mouth is slender in shape and ears are long and it is pointed. It is true that it belongs to one among the fastest animals in the World and it can attain the maximum speed of upto 50 km in an hour.

Distribution and Habitat

Indian Wild Asses are genetically adapted to the xerophytes which can be accommodated to the desert regions based on their habitat. Feeding is mostly done by these subspecies in the early morning hours and late in the evening. Copious drinkers, they are quite tolerant of the saline content in their food.
Indian Asses special ability similar to horses is that they are good runners and also have a significant sense of smell as well as hearing. Mostly they are in groups and usually in numbers ranging around ten. Braying is the significant habitual sound from an ass.

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