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Indian Animals

India's wildlife is so vast that there are more than 500 wildlife sanctuaries . India is also home to many rare and threatened animal life.

Some species like the Nilgri Leaf Monkey are endemic.Animals like the Asiatic Lion and the Bengal Tiger are designated as threatened animals.

The wildlife Protection act enacted by India in 1972 has been crucial in safegaurding our rich wildlife.

 Bos gaurus
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 Bengal Fox
 Vulpes bengalensis
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 Black Bear
 Ursus thibetanus
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 Gazella bennettii
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 Sus scrofa cristatus
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 Red Panda
 Ailurus Fulgens
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 Acinonyx jubatus
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 Clouded Leopard
 Neofelis nebulosa
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 Water Buffalo
 Bubalus arnee
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 Black Buck
 Antilope cervicapra
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 Four-horned Antelope
 Tetracerus quadricornis
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 Panthera pardus
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 Semnopithecus entellus
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 Canis aureus indicus
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 Panthera Leo Persica
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 Muntiacus muntjak
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 Lion-tailed Macaque
 Macaca silenus
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 Musk Deer
 Moschus spp
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 Camelus dromedarius
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 Boselaphus tragocamelus
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 Rhesus Macaque
 Macaca mulatta
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 Sambar Deer
 Rusa unicolor
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 Rhinoceros unicornis
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 Sloth Bear
 Ursus ursinus
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 Snow Leopard
 Panthera uncia
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 Cervus elanphus hanglu
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 Striped Hyena
 Hyaena hyaena
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Swamp Deer
 Rucervus duvaucelli
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 Elephas maximus indicus
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 Wild Ass
 Equus hemionus khur
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 Panthera tigris
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 Yellow Throated Marten
 Martes flavigula
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 Canis lupus pallipes
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