Immigration Services - India



The Immigration services at the foremost International Airports in India and the Foreigners' registration work in seven chief cities are done by the Bureau of Immigration (BOI).

The field officers in allege of immigration and registration at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Amritsar, Bengaluru and Hyderabad are called Foreigners Regional Registration Officers (FRROs). Apart from the FRROs who look after the immigration/registration tasks in the above stated seven cities, the concerned District Superintendents of Police function as Foreigners Registration Officers (FROs) in all the states in the country.

General Instructions

Immigration check is accomplished for all passengers, Indians or foreigners, both at the point of arrival and departure. The passports are duly stamped at arrival as well as exit. Passengers should be vigilant to see that their passports are duly stamped before parting the immigration counter..

All passengers, Foreigners as well as Indians, coming to India or departing from India are enforced to fill-up Arrival Card and Departure Cards at arrival and departure correspondingly.

The subsequent information is required to be provided by the passengers in these cards:-

  1. Name and Sex

  2. Date of Birth, Nationality

  3. Passport Details viz. Number, Date of Issue

  4. Address in India

  5. Occupation

  6. Flight Number, Date of Arrival / Date of Boarding & port of Final Destination

  7. Countries visited during last six days for arriving Indians

  8. Purpose to Visit abroad

If by accident, an immigration stamp is not glued by the counter officer at the check post, the passenger may at once contact the concerned FRRO/FRO/SSP and get the same glued on his/her passport to avoid inconvienence at the point of next travel abroad.

Instructions for Indian Passengers:

Indian nationals travelling abroad entail a valid Indian passport and travel ability for the target country. The travel authority is generally in the form of Visa, which is obtained earlier to the journey, except for case of countries where "Visa on Arrival" is accessible.

Indians travelling overseas may also note that some countries would be firm for certain minimum period of passport validity for allowing entry and for this corroboration should be obtained from the Embassy/travel agent.

Indians having the ECR "Emigration Check Required" category of passports entail POE �Protector of Emigrants� clearance from Ministry of Overseas Indians Affairs for firm destinations.

Even for re-entry into the homeland, an Indian national is required to be in ownership of a valid Indian passport or travel text issued by the Government of India.

Indian nationals may attain police clearance certificate from the concerned police station of their place of residence in India OR the Concerned Regional Passport office (RPO).

Instruction for Foreigners Coming To India:

Travel Documents Required:

Foreign Nationals coming to India are required to own an authentic and valid national passport or any other internationally acknowledged travel document institute his/her nationality and individuality and bearing photograph of the foreigner. Nepal and Bhutan nationals if entering India by land or air from the Nepal or Bhutan border in that order do not need a passport for entering into India. On the other hand, they are essential to possess, endorsed identity proof. Further if they are entering India from a place other than their personal country then ownership of passport is a must.

1. Visa Requirements:

Diverse categories of visas with precise endorsement of numbers of entries allowed and period of stay in India are revealed on the visa depending upon demand and subsequent verdict of the visa issuing right.

Foreigners may also look for precise support if any, on the visa for their assistance. In case of any suspicion, they may hunt for amplification from any of the Indian Missions abroad.

Nationals of Maldives do not need a visa for entry into India for tourism point and can stay up to 90 days.

"A separate Visa system exists for diplomatic/official passport holders".

Immigration officer may award TLP (Temporary Landing Permit) up to a maximum stage of 72 hours by maintenance of passport, if the foreign person is not having a valid visa, and if he is pleased of the purpose and that the transiting outsider must have an established onward voyage tickets in 72 hours for grant of TLP. Nationals of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, and Ethiopia are not established TLP facility.

On fabrication of bonafide proof and on fulfillment of FRRO/FRO cum District Superintendent of Police, Temporary Landing Facility (TLF) can be granted to the foreigners incoming to India without valid VISA, in evolving situation, like death/illness in the family up to a phase of 15 days. For further expansion of stay in such cases, the foreigner should report to The Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road, New Delhi before the expiry of the TLF era. Indian currency equivalent to around US$40 is charged for TLP/TLF.

A foreign person may be refused entry in one of the subsequent cases:

  1. If he/she is entering India from the nominated port and is not in ownership of a valid passport and visa.
  2. is insensible or

  3. is anguishing from infectious or loathsome sickness which is detrimental to public health, or

  4. is implicated in an extraditable offence or

  5. his/her entry is prohibited under the precise order of the Central government.

2. Immigration Check Requirements on Reaching India:

Immigration check is conceded out for all passengers at the docks of arrival in India.

The passengers are necessary to equip true particulars in the disembarkation card( Influx Card) as to his name and nationality, his age, sex, place of birth and address or anticipated address in India, the purpose of his visit and the anticipated length of residence in India.

Immigration check embraces checking of Passport, Visa, Disembarkation Card, entering foreigner�s particulars in computer, retention of Arrival Card and stamping of passport of the foreigner.

Pakistan nationals other than those on Diplomatic visa are requisite to carry a Visa application form (duplicate copies) which will be mattered in count to regular visa on their passport by the Indian Mission abroad. On presentation at immigration check post, they are subjected to Regular Residential Permit and are required to report at the nominated office or concerned Police Station in their spaces of stay within 24 Hrs unless and until they are legitimately excused from police reporting.

Afghanistan Nationals are mattered Temporary Residential Permit at the immigration Check post, with a path to get themselves registered within 14 days with the alarmed FRRO/FRO of their consign of stay.

"Foreigners may guarantee that they come into India only after an immigration stamp with the accurate date is affixed on their passport by the Immigration Officer."

Foreigners carrying a legitimate PIO (Person of Indian Origin) Card or OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) Card along with their applicable national passport are authorized to enter India devoid of obtaining Indian visa discretely.

3. Requirements concerning stay of Foreigners in India

Foreigners are required to abide by with the purpose for which a visa was primarily applied and also to bear by conditions, endorsed on the visa. If the visa is legitimate for more than 180 days, then every foreigner entering India or resident in India shall present in person or in the course of an authorized delegate to the fulfillment of the appropriate Registration Officer at the place of his stay within the specified era mentioned on visa except firm visa categories requiring registration within the specific time. Such registration shall not be obligatory in the case of a foreigner entering India on a visa valid for a era of not more than 180 days and who does not stay in India beyond the said period, unless, specific endorsement/observation is made on the visa by the Indian Mission.

At the instant of Registration every foreigner shall furnish exact information, to the fulfillment of the Registration Officer and shall, sign the Registration Report, in the existence of the said officer. The foreigner shall also be endowed with a copy of Certificate of Registration.

Foreigners may go all the way through the instructions given on Registration Certificates for their assistance concerning stay and potential reporting.

All foreigner shall within twenty-four hours of stipulated time should produce to a Registration Officer, magistrate or police officer, not below the rank of a head constable, his passport or such other proof of his identity and/or Registration Certificate as may be requisite for any point connected with the enforcement of Foreigners Act/Registration of Foreigners Rules.

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