Information Pertaining Temporary Landing Permit/Temporary Landing Facility:
- FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can reward Landing Permit to a foreigner transiting through India devoid of VISA provided the foreigner has a established onward journey ticket for a phase up to 72 hours or till the exit of the confirmed onward journey flight for which the foreigners is in ownership of the ticket at the point of reporting to immigration, which ever is prior Passport of such foreign nationals will be maintained by the immigration officer and the foreigners will be concerned a receipt to assist their movement out of the airport/port/post.
- FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can reward Landing Permit to the foreigners arriving in India devoid of valid VISA, in evolving situation like death/illness in the family up to an era of 15 days provided immigration officer is contented regarding the bonafide of the foreigner�s stay. For further porch of stay in such cases, the foreigner apprehensive should report to Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road, New Delhi except in case of minors which can be extended till the minor attains the age of bulk.
- Indian money equivalent to US$40 is charged for Landing Permits except to passengers under the gratuitous regime.
- FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can grant Landing Permit to foreigners in case of a Technical Lapse in the Indian VISA. On approval Immigration officer, may treat the VISA valid endowed with the foreigners is not at mistake.
- FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can grant collective Landing Permit to foreign tourists in groups of four or more arriving by air or sea, and subsidized by acknowledged Indian travel Agencies and with a pre-drawn itinerary for a specified era of time subject to a maximum of 60 days with manifold entry facility, on the written request of the Travel Agency to the Immigration Officer giving full individual and passport details of the set members.
- The Landing Permit facility will not be accessible to the nationals of: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
- Troop members/seamen of scheduled/unscheduled flights, if operated by listed operators approved by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, can be granted Landing Permit up to an era of 7 days devoid of any charges. The seaman arriving by ship and intends to depart either by another ship or flight within 7 days can also be decided Landing Permit without charging cost. On the other hand, Crew members of flights managed by non-scheduled operators will be charged a fee in Indian money equivalent to US $40 per person for award of Landing Permit.
Restricted/Protected Area Permit
The Protected Areas are as follows:- Parts of State of Manipur
- Parts of State of Mizoram
- Parts of State of Arunachal Pradesh
- Whole State of Nagaland
- Whole State of Sikkim
- Parts of State of Uttaranchal
- Parts of State of J&K.
- Parts of State of Rajasthan.
- Parts of State of Himachal Pradesh.

- Whole of Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Part of the state of Sikkim
- Normally speaking when a foreign person is in India then Power to subject consent to foreigners for visiting R/P areas vests with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreign Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road New Delhi and with Resident Commissioner of the State alarmed.
- Yet, FRROs have been entrusted powers in value of some specified areas for a specified era and in some precise conditions.
- For a cluster of foreigners i.e. two or more for "Tourism" point only.
- On the other hand, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreign Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road New Delhi can matter such permit to an entity.
- FRROs can subject these permits (for firm areas) only for groups of 4 or more foreign persons.
- The foreign tourist should be accompanied with an acknowledged travel agent who would act as an usher.
Information to Foreigners possessing Entry(X) Visa:
- Foreigners visiting India on extended tenure Entry(X) visa would not oblige registration with the concerned FRROs/FROs if , recur if extent of his/her stay does not go beyond 180 days on a solo visit. In case a foreign person intends to stay for more than 180 days on a solitary visit he should get himself registered well before the termination of 180 days.
- Foreigners visiting India are also requisite to remain to the Special Endorsement made on the Visa by the Indian Mission.
- Every foreigner at the occasion of Registration, shall furnish, such information in registration report, as may be in his ownership for the point of fulfilling the Registration Officer and shall, on being required, shall symbol the registration report in the charisma of the said officer and shall thereupon be permitted to accept from the said officer a record of registration in Part III of Form A:
- Registration services are not provided at the airport and are conceded out in the office of FRROs or District Superintendents of Police (FROs).
- Individual presence of the foreigner at the FRRO/FRO office is obligatory for visa associated services.
Children below 16 years of period are not prone from Registration if they have entered on Entry VISA. They may come close to the concerned FRRO/FRO for registration after completion of 15 years
Penalty for Late Registration
No payment is required to be paid for registration, but a fine in Indian currency counterpart to US$ 30/- (Rs.1395/-) in case of behind schedule registration is charged.
Requirements at the time of Registration

The subsequent documents are required to be submitted at the time of registration:
- Registration form in triplicate (3 replicas).
- 4 Recent passport size photographs.
- Photocopy of passport/VISA/arrival immigration stamp.
- Photocopy of legal and notarized Lease/Rent agreement OR replica of C-Form from the Hotel OR copy of new electricity/telephone bill along with the letter from the landlord, towards testimony of abode.
- Appropriately packed in Registration Book
- Passport in unique.
Visa Extension:
Foreigners who have entered India on an Entry (X) visa may advance the concerned FRRO/FRO office for a visa expansion only in below mentioned cases:

- A person of Indian origin who at any point held an Indian passport OR
- A person who either of his/her parents or grand parents or great grand parents was born in and was enduringly dweller in India provided neither was any instant a citizen of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan or Sri Lanka or any other country that may be specific by the Government of India from time to time OR .
- A person who is the partner of a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin covered less than 1 and 2 above.
Foreign nationals holding 'X' entry visa may loom the concerned FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police for expansion of Entry visa with the subsequent Documents.
- Visa Extension form.
- One Recent passport size photograph
- Photocopy of passport/VISA/Registration Book.
- Replica of valid and notarized Lease/Rent agreement OR replica of C-Form from the Hotel OR copy of recent electricity/telephone bill along with the letter from the landlord, towards testimony of dwelling.
- Passport in innovative
- Replica of marriage certificate along with photocopy of Indian passport and Indemnity Bond.
- Replica of birth certificate along with photocopy of either parents Indian passport.
Strategies concerning conversion of 'X'(Entry) visa of partner of a worker on intra-company transfer into Employment Visa:
Conversion of 'X'(Entry) visa of the partner of an employee on an intra-company transfer into Employment Visa may be allowed within the country issue to fulfillment of the subsequent conditions:
- The Applicant will have to accomplish all the conditions laid down for grant of Employment Visa.
- Conversion of 'X' Visa into Employment Visa in such cases shall be allowed only with the earlier approval of Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Employment/Business is not allowed on entry 'X' visa.
- Extension is given on year to year basis upto a highest era of 5 years. If further expansion is required, the scheme for extension is referred to Ministry of Home Affairs for sanction and then further extension is granted if permitted by MHA.
- Exit Permission: Foreigners holding Entry Visa and who have hanged around for one year or less can look for outlet permission from the concerned FRROs/FROs focus to standard checks and state of affairs.