Look out what some of our visitors have to say about the site..... Feel like voicing your opinion too..... Here's to you... We welcome all those critics from among you visitors to express your valuable suggestions and comments. It would be music to our ears!!
Hope your comments would be a big boost to our growth...

Sub: Congrats
Hai!Your site is really wonderful,having a lot of useful,crisp informations. With regards, Ram.
R.Ramkumar & Suganthi <ramsugan2001@yahoo.com> Saturday, January 26, 2002 8:12 AM
Sub: Proud to be an Indian
I really liked this site. For researchers like me, this site is the best. Out of 324 sites about indian customs and cultures, I found this the most interesting and informing. For American born generations such as me, and having ancestors like mom and dad from India, it helps us realize what our religons is and our past ancestors have gone through. I am really proud of my culture and religon after seeing this type of a website. I am proud to have ancestors from a country that is so facinating.
Vinod Agarwal < v.b.agrawal@worldnet.att.net > Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:35 AM
I'm doing an assignment on India, and your site was very helpful .
Lorene Green <sxc_baybee@hotmail.com> Friday, March 15, 2002 3:47 PM
Sub:List of religious festivals
Dear Sir/Madam
I found your list of religious most useful and informative.
Dori A Schmetterling <info@schmetterling.com> Sunday, March 24, 2002 6:44
Sub: Awesome website
Thank you sooo much for making this site, because I was doing a class project on India, and your site had it all!!! I told all of my classmate's about it, and now, everyone uses it! I told my librarian, and she is going to use this website for the next sixth graders, and then the next and the next and so on! So please keep your site online for as long as possible. Also thanks to your pictures, and Info., I got an A+ on my report on India!! Thanks so much! I couldn't have done it without you! Yours Truly,
Girliegirl0505 <Girliegirl0505@aol.com> Friday, April 12, 2002 3:04 AM
Hi! I love the brief information given on this website regarding several
topics. I am in a Master's program at the UofA in Rehabilitation and I am
very interested in information regarding health issues.Morquecho, Margaret <MMorquecho@mail.de.state.az.us> Thursday, April 03, 2003 7:54 AM
To Indian Mirror,
My name is Janine Bell and recently I have been doing a geography project on India. I visited your website and found a lot of interesting things on it.BELL, JANINE <133447@smail.ucdsb.on.ca> Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:12 PM
Sub: Wonderful Site
This sight is really great.
I am feeling very proud of my country.
If I want to give proof to any one for this I will show them this site.
which has all the right and great informations about our country.
Seema <atlantic@del2.vsnl.net.in> Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 1:31 PM
I found your site when looking for info about India. Very nice and informative. I have added a link on my site to it, so everybody can enjoy it.
J. kersten21 <j.kersten21@chello.nl> Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:13 AM
Fantastic site always proud to be Indian and with more and more great sites like this Ihope we will not forget our past and take it into the future.
Sunjay ganda (New Zealand) <bodali@hotmail.com>Saturday, February 14, 2004 6:23 AM
Sub:your site is great!!
Dear sir/madam,
I recently got given an assignment on India, from school. The assignment required me to research many aspects of India. The culture festivals etc.I was searching the internet for a site that had complete information about india, but i could not.... until i came across your site. I mean WOW your website has got the best information on everything. I love your site it's great!! If i were to rate your site i would give it 9 and a half out of 10! This is an extremely educational site with everything on india!! Keep up the good work and thanks!!
Gayatri Kotnala <gayatri_k680@hotmail.com> Saturday, March 06, 2004 8:06 AM