Indian Astrology
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Indian Astrology
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i. Vedic Astrology

Indian Astrology is an ancient science based upon the knowledge gained by ancient Indian sages and saints on planetary influences. It had evolved long before the Western astronomers and astrologers were born. It has its roots steeped into the Vedas which date back to 1500 BC.

ii. Jyotish - Jyothisha or Light

No other science can be more interesting, instructive and useful to mankind in contributing to the moral and material advancement that Indian astrology. Indian Astrology is based upon the foretelling the future of indivudals, nations or other events relying on the planetary movements. In Sanskrit, it is known as Jyotisha or Light.

iii.Chart Styles of Jyotish
North Indian
North Indian
South Indian
South Indian

Indian Astrology interprets what it conceives to the future of the man as moulded by his previous Karma or birth and indicates by the planetary positions at the time of his birth.

Branches in Indian Astrology

Astrology in india has three branches namely: Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

Siddantas are those who devote to astronomical study of celestial bodies.
Samhitas deal with mundane astrology, earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, rainfall, weather conditions economic conditions,etc.
Hora deals with predicting the suitable timing of various events in our day-to day life.


The Hindus follow the Panchang which is a spiritual and scientific calendar .It provides a listing of festivals, weather predictions, events, epidemics and personal fortune. The word "Panch" means five and "ang" means aspect.

It defines a particular time of a day using the five parameters - the day, the tithi, the star, the yoga and the karana corresponding to that day. You can use Panchang as a ready reckoner for important days and also to tell you the most ideal time for you to start on your ventures so you get the most out of them.


Indian Astrology interprets what it conceives to the future of the man as moulded by his previous Karma or birth and indicates by the planetary positions at the time of his birth.

Nadi Josiyam

Nadi Josiyam

Apart from these schools of Astrology in india, we have what we can call as Nadi Astrology (or) Nadi Shastra which gives pictures of life and destiny patterns of people born at 12,24,48 seconds intervals. These have been written on palm leaves by our ancient sages. Only very few experts can read and understand these, but the results and predictions are found to be amazingly accurate.

More on Nadi Astrology / Naadi (Shastra)
What is Nadi/Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology is an ancient Indian method of Astrology to learn about one's past, present and the future. It is said that thousands of years ago, the great sages of Indian had the power to look into the past and future of the entire universe and recorded the life of each human being who either lived, were living or were to live. At some point of time , these discussions were written on palm leaves in an ancient Tamil script, which can now only be deciphered by expert Nadi astrologers.

What is Nadi/Nadi Astrology

The origin of the nadi inscriptions can be traced back to approximately 2000 years ago. It is said that the ancient Indian Rishis or sages had written the life patterns of each person on palm leaves by their Yogic Intuitive powers. These unique leaves were initially kept in the Saraswati Mahal library of Tanjore city (Thanjavur ) of Tamilnadu State in India.

Later during the British Rule, the British sold these leaves to the locals who very very much interested in getting them. People belonging to a particular sect called the Valluvar community of South India who specialized in astrology bought most of these leaves. Some of these were also acquired by the astrology families in Vaitheeswarankoil, a place near Chennai, the capital of Tamilnadu, a state of India.

What is Nadi/Nadi Astrology
  • Canto 1 (Chapter 1)- Generalized Report
  • Canto 2 (Chapter 2) - Education and Wealth
  • Canto 3 (Chapter 3) - Brothers and Sisters
  • Canto 4 (Chapter 4) - Mother, Assets and Fortune
  • Canto 5 (Chapter 5) - Children / Off springs/ Progeny/ Pregnancy
  • Canto 6 (Chapter 6) - Disease, Debt and Litigation
  • Canto 7(Chapter 7) - Matrimony
  • Canto 8 (Chapter 8) - Life Span
  • Canto 9 (Chapter 9) - Property, Father, spiritual inclinations
  • Canto 10 (Chapter 10) - Business
  • Canto 11 (Chapter 11) - Conveyance, second marriage
  • Canto 12 (Chapter 12) -Expenditure, Foreign connections, Next birth.
  • Canto 13 (Chapter 13) - Karma, Shanthi, Enance
  • Canto 14 (Chapter 14) - Remedial Mantras
What is Nadi/Nadi Astrology

The procedure involved in the reading of the palm leaves in Nadi Astrology is a closely guarded secret, being passed down from generation to generation.They are not gerneally exposed to the common public.



a.Introduction & Overview

The term Vastu is a Sanskrit word which means "Bhu" or the Earth and is the underlying stratum of existence.As per a Vedic Hymn "Vastu reva Vastu", all material forms of the Universe are all energies.Vaasthu sastra states that every energy has life and nothing in universe is left out without any vibration.

Vastu shastra aims at maximising the generation and accumulation of positive energy around the humans and minimise the negative energy. This is done by ensuring the abundance of the following :

Light Light
- Sufficient natural light for comfortable living.
Air Air
- Pure fresh air continuously blowing in and out of the house.
Air Water
- for drinking and living.
b.Basic Principles of Vaasthu

Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material.The world comprises of five basic elements, also known as the Paanchbhootas. They are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. Out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of these five elements. However, the very basic of Vastu principles will always continue to be beneficial to the mankind in one form or the other.

c.Manaiyadi Shastra

The term "manai",a tamil word ,refers to house."shastra" refers to a discipline of study .Thus manaiyadishastram refers to the discipline which analysis the impact experienced by the residents of the house for the various dimensions (length and breath) while residing in the house. Manaiyadi shastram is applicable to each and every room in the house.

d.Vastu Table

After carefully analysing the fundamental principles of Vaastu ,a diagrammatic representation of the best directions for each and every type of room according to its varied uses is illustrated in the following table.

Godown For Grain,Children's Bedroom,washing
Sitting Room,Living Room Place for Worship,Sitting Room,Drinking Room

Children's Bedroom,Meditation room,Dining Hall,Study Room
BRAMHA,Open Space For Air & Light at the top
Bath Room, Guest room, Verendah, Kitchen

Lumber room, Bedroom for Adults, Stair case

Bed Room Provision Room Store Room

Kitchen Room, Electric Meter
e.Vastu Rule

After carefully analysing the fundamental principles of vaasthu,a diagrammatic representation of the best directions for each and every type of room according to its varied uses is illustrated in the following table.

f.Street focus & Vastu
Efforts of Street Focus in Vasthu

In Vasthu, any street focus on a plot actually distrubs the bio-electric magnetic field in and around the plot to a great extent, either by amplyfying the imbalance in energy dynamics or by attenuating the positive energies.

g.Expect Advice

Studying a building plan from Vasthu point of view requires tremendous knowledge in vastu. Moreover it also requires the ability to accomodate the requirements of the builder and at the same time the parameters set forth by the principles of Vasthu.This requires loads of experience in analysing and providing pragmatic solutions.Our experts are highly knowledgeable , experienced and are capable of giving the most effective solutions to issues relating to vasthu. In order to avail the expert advice service.

h.Zodiac Concepts

There are twelve zodiac signs according to the Indian system of Astrology. The four phases that come under each zodiac sign is based on Vaastu concept.According to this, the first 7 1/2 degrees in each sign have been attributed to the first phase, 15 degress to the second phase, 22 1/2 degrees to the third phase and 30 degress to the last phase. Totally there are 40 different formulas of Vaastu for the zodiac signs.
Click on the zodiac signs to read their respective Vaasthu concepts.

Aries Scorpio
Taurus Leo
Gemini Sagittarius
Cancer Capricorn
Virgo Aquarius
Libra Pisces
i.Vastu for Flat Remedies
j.Vastu for Factory Remedies
k.Vastu for House Remedies
l.Vastu for Office Remedies
k.Vastu for Plots Remedies
l.Vastu for Shops Remedies

10 Porutham

The 10 Kootas or the 10 Poruthams

According to Indian Astrological principles there are 28 Nakshathras (Stars) in an oval round called the zodiac and the Navagrahas (the nine planets ) which transit this Zodiac. This heavenly constitution exert their combined astral influences on human beings. The Kootas agreement is ascertained by examining the birth stars and the Janma rasis, of the boy and girl. Each koota has a specific role or a part to play.

  1. Dinam (Dinath Ayushyam Aarokyam) -The presence of Dina Koota agreement ensures that the husband and wife remain healthy and free from all sorts of diseases and will enjoy all comforts and a long lease of life.

  2. Ganam (Sobanam Ganam Evacha) -This koota ensures compatible sex life. It is the matching of the human minds and their temperaments.

  3. Yoni ( Yonitho Dhampathy Sneham ) -This is another koota which is interpreted in two ways. The word Yoni indicates the private reproductive organ of a women. So it is said that presence of Yoni Koota is a must to ensure sexual compatibility.

  4. Rasi ( Rasinam Vamsavirthi Kiruth ) -This ensures the continuation of one's family through the birth of a son. If there is no progeny or issue, his family and tradition will end with him. Another school of thought interprets it as cordial relationship between the daughter-in-law and her in-laws.

  5. Rasiyathipaty ( Santhanam Rasiythipathy ) -This refers to the friendship between the lords of the birth stars of the girl and boy. This koota ensures santhanam. The word santhanam also means progeny which is denoted Rasi Koota.

  6. Rajju ( Rajju Mngalya Vrithysyath )-This bestows on the girl living happily with the husband for the long time. It is considered as the most important of the ten kootas as it ensures a long life for the husband.

  7. Vedha ( Vedhaya Sohanasanam )-Vedha means affliction. This koota agreement wards of all evils and pitfalls in married life. A happy and prosperous married life is assured as a result.

  8. Vasya ( Vasyath Anniyonnia Vasyaham ) -It is believed that the presence of this koota agreement assures mutual love and attachement.

  9. Mahendhram ( Mahendram Puthira Vrithisyath ) -It assures progeny or children in a larger measure.

  10. Stree Deergam ( Stree Deergath Sarva Sampathha ) -It ensures accumulation of wealth and all round prosperity.

The above mentioned 10 Kootas are the main ones considered before deciding on a marriage.The following two kootas are also used in certain cases.

  1. Nadi-Nadi means pulse which is a medical term. So nadi koota ensures health, longevity of the couple and happiness of children.
  2. Varna Koota-Varna refers to the caste of the girl and boy and it is having no or less relevance now a days as inter-caste marriages have become common.

Indian vs Western Astrology

Indian Astrology

The technique and methods used to determine the positioning of planets and their consequent effect gives rise to different systems. Astrological sages in India offered an innovative solution to this complex problem of movement of different bodies and the moving frame of reference by defining a Fixed Zodiac. This system is called "Nirayana or Indian System". In the Nirayana system, the Zodiac or celestial circle is assumed to be a fixed one. The Indian system uses mathematical models and makes it possible to calculate, analyze and interpret to the desired level of accuracy progressively.

Western Astrology

The Western or Sayana or Moving zodiac system makes calculations and predictions based on the so-called present position of the stellar system. This has limitations as in the present scientific world, there is no way of defining the current position of ever moving celestial body zodiac.

The Indian Science of Astrology also gives certain remedial measures to overcome mental, moral and physical sufferings by means of medicinal roots, mantras and yoga practices and Gemstones. Though Hindu Astrology deals with all the aspects of human life indicating materialistic success and failures, it is deeply rooted in philosophy.

12 Zodiac signs with Indian and Western Astronomical names

No Indian Name Western Name
1 Mesham Aries
2 Vrishabham Taurus
3 Mithunam Gemini
4 Karkatakam Cancer
5 Simham Leo
6 Kanya Virgo
7 Tula Libra
8 Vrischikam Scorpio
9 Dhanus Sagittarius
10 Makaram Capricorn
11 Kumbham Aquarius
12 Meenam Pisces

Rasis (Zodiac Houses)

In Indian Astrology when a Zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each such part has an extension of 30 degrees of arc. Such a division is called a sign or Rasi.

There are 12 houses of Rasi's and their Lords.

Lord of House
Mesha (21-March to 20-April )
Kuja (Mars)
Vrishaba (21-April to 20-May )
Sukra (Venus)
Mithuna (21-May to 20-June)
Buddha (Mercury)
Karkata (21-June to 20-July)
Chandra (Moon)
Simha (21-July to 20-August)
Surya (Sun)
Kanya (21-August to 20-September)
Buddha (Mercury)
Tula (21-September to 20-October )
Sukra (Venus)
Vrischika (21-October to 20-November )
Kuja (Mars
Dhanus (21-November to 20-December)
Guru (Jupiter)
Makara (21-December to 20-January )
Sani (Saturn)
Kumbha (21-January to 20-February)
Sani (Saturn)
Meena (21-Februaryto 20-March)
Guru (Jupiter)
Characteristics of Rasis (Zodiac Houses )
  1. Mesha (Aries)-People born in this sign are ambitious and forceful in their character. Mostly they are of independent disposition.
  2. Vrishaba (Taurus)-The people of this sign will have good appearance and personality. They are emotional in their behaviour.
  3. Mithuna (Gemini)-These people will be spiritual and very analytical in mind. Art and literature fascinates these individuals.
  4. Karkata (Cancer)-The characteristics of this house are flexibility, interest in mysteries, travelling indisposition. It rules chest and heart of the body.
  5. Simha (Leo)-The people born under this Rasi have a kingly personality, magnanimity and lion hearted nature.
  6. Kanya (Virgo)-They are very practical people. They are chaste, pure and refined. Sociable and friendly in nature, they show up occasional shyness also.
  7. Tula (Libra)-Since the Rasi is symbolic of balance, equilibrium and justice are its key notes. Weighing both the sides of every problem is its character.
  8. Vrischika (Scorpio)-Temperamentally they are emotional and possessive. They are cunning. Will have only few friends. These persons may get unexpected legacies and gifts.
  9. Dhanus (Sagittarius)-This type of people are very friendly and cheerful in nature. They are of deep thinking and of high intellect with a quick temper and strong passion.
  10. Makara (Capricorn)-The people of this house have deep common sense. Their aspirations are very high. From a humble beginning they rise to greater heights.
  11. Kumbha (Aquarius)-Very great saints and thinkers have been born in this house. Among the 12 signs of the zodiac this sign is attached to occult subjects. The people of this house will have unexpected travels.
  12. Meena (Pisces)-The people of this house are very analytical and emotional in their behaviour. They will be having fluctuating moods.

Grahas (Planets) & their significance

In Hindu Astrology there are nine planets or Grahas. These include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Moon,Saturn Rahu and Ketu, which are astronomical points formed where the moons orbit intersects the apparent path of the Sun around the earth. Each planet is considered to be having masculine, feminine or neutral characteristics as well .

Grahas and their western names, relationships, gemstones and colors
Indian Grahas Western Names Sex Friends Equals Enemies Gemstones Colors
Ravi Sun Masculine Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn, Rahu Ruby Red
Chandra Moon Feminine Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn Rahu Pearl White
Kuja Mars Masculine Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury, Rahu Coral Red
Budha Mercury Neutral Sun, Venus, Rahu Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon Emerald Green
Guru Jupiter Masculine Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn, Rahu Mercury, Venus Yellow Sapphire Yellow
Sukra Venus Feminine Mercury, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter, Mars Sun, Moon Diamond White
Sani Saturn Neutral Mercury, Venus, Rahu Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Blue Sapphire Blue
Rahu Dragon's Head Feminine Mercury, Venus,Saturn Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Gomed Smoke
Ketu Dragon's Tail Neutral Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Cat's Eye Smoke

Months, Tithis & Days- their significance

Influence of Month of Birth

General characteristics of persons born in the 12 Indian Hindu Lunar Months according to ancient Indian Hindu Astrological works, is given below.

Indian Month
Those born in this month generally gain strength from celebate life and learn quickly about the world .
Those born in this month will have great personality and grace, enjoy clout and will be foresighted. They will be seekers of truth and enjoy long life.
These persons will be greatly talented and they will calculate their benefits before doing anything.
Those born in this month will find it difficult to eke out a living. They are blessed with good appetite but may suffer from some diseases.
Persons born in this month will be popular and will be religious minded. They will generally enjoy good family life.
Those born in this month will be popular with women and will have more male issues. They will be fair in complexion.
The person born in this month will be kind hearted and enjoy a luxurious life with many servants. They will also enjoy the favours of several women.
The person born in this month will be talkative and will have a crooked mind. Person may remain unmarried.
Persons born in this month will visit many places of religious interest. They will master many useful sciences and are suited to priestly or religious life.
These persons will be secretive and will secretly plan to do bad deeds. They will suffer in life.
This person may become a great Yogi, philosopher and will know many worldly things too.
Those born in this month are lucky, will enjoy good family life .

Nakshatras (Stars)

The zodiac according to Indian Astrology comprises of 360 degrees. There are 27 Nakshatras or constellations in it.Therefore, the value of each constellation is 13 degrees and 20 minutes when measured from the fixed initial point. These 27 Nakshatras(stars) complete the entire circle of 360 degrees of the zodiac. A forecast based on the transit/ correlation/inter - relation of planets in relation to the Nakshatras is more accurate than the results predicted on the basis of any other system.

Click on the Nakshatras to

Moon Phases

Moon in Indian Astrology

In Indian Astrology, Moon is reverred as a God and is called as "Chandra". The deity is masculine, but rules women and mothers, and signifies the feminine qualities.In Hindu astrology the Moon, is the most important planet in the horoscope. Chandra rules growth, health in childhood, prospects in life, good fortune, the emotional life, moods.

Moon In Indian Astrology

In Indian Astrology, Moon is reverred as a God and is called as "Chandra". The deity is masculine, but rules women and mothers, and signifies the feminine qualities.In Hindu astrology the Moon, is the most important planet in the horoscope. Chandra rules growth, health in childhood, prospects in life, good fortune, the emotional life, moods.

Moon is the presiding deity for the element water, and rules over the tides of the sea. Moon is also the ruler of plants and the vegetable kingdom. Moon represents the mother -the energy that creates and preserves.

Dasa Periods

Dasa Periods of Planets

Sun Dasa | Moon Dasa | Mars Dasa| Rahu Dasa | Jupiter Dasa

Saturn Dasa | Mercury Dasa | Ketu Dasa | Venus Dasa

Dasas are unique in Indian System of Astrology in that they symbolize the overall direction of a person's life for very long periods of time.Vimsottari Dasa, remains the most popular Dasa system among Astrologers though different Dasa systems exist.

Vimsottari Dasa is based on the position of Moon at the time of birth in a specific nakshatra. The period of rulership of any planet at the time of birth depends upon the rulership of the planet on the nakshatra. The sequence of rulership of these planets follows a particular order. This order is as follows:

Indian Vedic Astrology

Astrologically, yoga refers to the planetary combinations and their special results, which affect the life of an individual. In traditional Indian ephemeris, known as Panchangam, yoga is also the name of a particular division of time, which are 27 in number. This time-division is different from the asterisms, which are also 27 in number.

Find below a list of such Yogas arranged in alphabetical order for your convenience.


  • Adhi Yoga
  • Akhand Samrajya Yoga
  • Amar Yoga
  • Amarak Yoga
  • Anapha Yoga
  • Ara Sauri Yoga
  • Ardha-Chandra Yoga
  • Aristha Yogas
  • Ashta Lakshmi Yoga
  • Avatara Yoga


  • Bajra Yoga
  • Bhadra Yoga
  • Bhaskara Yoga
  • Bhavya Yoga
  • Bheri Yoga
  • Bhupa Yoga


  • Chakra Yoga
  • Chamar Yoga
  • Chandra Yoga
  • Chandra Mangala Yoga
  • Chandrika Yoga
  • Chapa Yoga
  • Chaturmukh Yoga
  • Chatursagar Yogas
  • Chhatra Yoga


  • Danda Yoga
  • Daridra Yoga
  • Data Yoga
  • Devendra Yoga
  • Dharma Yoga
  • DurudharaYoga
  • DwajaYoga


  • Ekawali Yoga


  • Gada Yoga
  • Gaja Yoga
  • Gaja Kesari Yoga
  • Go-Yoga
  • Guru Chandala Yoga


  • Hala Yoga
  • Hamsa Yoga
  • Harihara Brahma Yoga


  • Ichchita Mrityu Yoga
  • Ikkbala Yoga
  • Induvara Yoga


  • Kahal Yoga
  • Kalanidhi Yoga
  • Kalasarapa Yoga
  • KamalYoga
  • Kamboola Yoga
  • Karagara Yoga
  • Kahal Yoga
  • Kedar Yoga
  • Kema Druma Yoga
  • Kesari Yoga
  • Kshema Yoga
  • Kurma Yoga
  • Kusuma Yoga
  • Kuta Yoga
  • Kamboola Yoga


  • Lakshmi Yoga


  • Madan Yoga
  • Maha Pataka Yoga
  • Mahapurusha Yogas
  • Mala Yoga
  • Malavya Yoga
  • MarudYoga
  • MrigaYoga
  • Mukuta Yoga
  • Musala Yoga


  • Nabhi Yoga
  • Naga Yoga
  • Nagendra Yoga
  • NaktyaYoga
  • Nala Yoga
  • Nalika Yoga
  • Nasir Yoga
  • Nau Yoga
  • Neechabhanga Raja Yoga
  • Nripa Yoga


  • Obhayachari Yoga


  • Padma Yoga
  • Pakshin Yoga
  • Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga
  • Parivarthana Yoga
  • Papakartri Yoga
  • Parijata Yoga
  • Parivrajya Yoga
  • Parvat Yoga
  • Pasha Yoga
  • Preshya Yoga


  • Raja/Rajya Yoga
  • Rajapada Yoga
  • Rajju Yoga
  • Rasatala Yoga
  • Ravi Yoga
  • Rekha Yoga


  • Sakata Yoga
  • Samrajya Yoga
  • Samudra Yoga
  • Sankhya Yoga
  • Sasa Yoga
  • Shakti Yoga
  • Shankha Yoga
  • Shar Yoga
  • Sharda Yoga


  • Padma Yoga
  • Pakshin Yoga
  • Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga
  • Parivarthana Yoga
  • Papakartri Yoga
  • Parijata Yoga
  • Parivrajya Yoga
  • Parvat Yoga
  • Pasha Yoga
  • Preshya Yoga


  • Vasumati Yoga
  • Vasi Yoga
  • Vesi Yoga
  • Vibhavasu Yoga
  • Vidyuta Yoga
  • Vishnu Yoga


  • Yav Yoga
  • Yugma Yoga
  • Yup Yoga

Moon Compatibility

Aries moon astrology
taurus moon astrology
Gemini moon astrology
cancer moon astrology
leo moon astrology
virgo moon astrology
libra moon astrology
scorpio moon astrology sagittarius moon astrology capricorn moon astrology aquarius moon astrology pisces moon astrology
Aries moon astrology
aries-aries compatibility
aries-taurus compatibility
aries-gemini compatibility
aries-cancer compatibility
aries-leo compatibility
aries-virgo compatibility
aries-libra compatibility
aries-scorpio compatibility
aries-sagittarius compatibility
aries-capricorn compatibility
aries-aquarius compatibility
aries-pisces compatibility
taurus moon astrology
taurus-aries compatibility
taurus-taurus compatibility
taurus-gemini compatibility
taurus-cancer compatibility
taurus-leo compatibility
taurus-virgo compatibility
taurus-libra compatibility
taurus-scorpio compatibility
taurus-sagittarius compatibility
taurus-capricorn compatibility
taurus-aquarius compatibility
taurus-pisces compatibility
Gemini moon astrology
gemini-aries compatibility
gemini-taurus compatibility
gemini-gemini compatibility
gemini-cancer compatibility
gemini-leo compatibility
gemini-virgo compatibility
gemini-libra compatibility
gemini-scorpio compatibility
gemini-sagittarius compatibility
gemini-capricorn compatibility
gemini-aquarius compatibility
gemini-pisces compatibility
cancer moon astrology
cancer-aries compatibility
cancer-taurus compatibility
cancer-gemini compatibility
cancer-cancer compatibility
cancer-leo compatibility
cancer-virgo compatibility
cancer-libra compatibility
cancer-scorpio compatibility
cancer-sagittarius compatibility
cancer-capricorn compatibility
cancer-aquarius compatibility
cancer-pisces compatibility
leo moon astrology
leo-aries compatibility
leo-taurus compatibility
leo-gemini compatibility
leo-cancer compatibility
leo-leo compatibility
leo-virgo compatibility
leo-libra compatibility
leo-scorpio compatibility
leo-sagittarius compatibility
leo-capricorn compatibility
leo-aquarius compatibility
leo-pisces compatibility
virgo moon astrology
virgo-aries compatibility
virgo-taurus compatibility
virgo-gemini compatibility
virgo-cancer compatibility
virgo-leo compatibility
virgo-virgo compatibility
virgo-libra compatibility
virgo-scorpio compatibility
virgo-sagittarius compatibility
virgo-capricorn compatibility
virgo-aquarius compatibility
virgo-pisces compatibility
libra moon astrology
libra-aries compatibility
libra-taurus compatibility
libra-gemini compatibility
libra-cancer compatibility
libra-leo compatibility
libra-virgo compatibility
libra-libra compatibility
libra-scorpio compatibility
libra-sagittarius compatibility
libra-capricorn compatibility
libra-aquarius compatibility
libra-pisces compatibility
scorpio moon astrology
scorpio-aries compatibility
scorpio-taurus compatibility
scorpio-gemini compatibility
scorpio-cancer compatibility
scorpio-leo compatibility
scorpio-virgo compatibility
scorpio-libra compatibility
scorpio-scorpio compatibility
scorpio-sagittarius compatibility
scorpio-capricorn compatibility
scorpio-aquarius compatibility
scorpio-pisces compatibility
sagittarius moon astrology
sagittarius-aries compatibility
sagittarius-taurus compatibility
sagittarius-gemini compatibility
sagittarius-cancer compatibility
sagittarius-leo compatibility
sagittarius-virgo compatibility
sagittarius-libra compatibility
sagittarius-scorpio compatibility
sagittarius-sagittarius compatibility
sagittarius-capricorn compatibility
sagittarius-aquarius compatibility
sagittarius-pisces compatibility
capricorn moon astrology
capricorn-aries compatibility
capricorn-taurus compatibility
capricorn-gemini compatibility
capricorn-cancer compatibility
capricorn-leo compatibility
capricorn-virgo compatibility
capricorn-libra compatibility
capricorn-scorpio compatibility
capricorn-sagittarius compatibility
capricorn-capricorn compatibility
capricorn-aquarius compatibility
capricorn-pisces compatibility
aquarius moon astrology
aquarius-aries compatibility
aquarius-taurus compatibility
aquarius-gemini compatibility
aquarius-cancer compatibility
aquarius-leo compatibility
aquarius-virgo compatibility
aquarius-libra compatibility
aquarius-scorpio compatibility
aquarius-sagittarius compatibility
aquarius-capricorn compatibility
aquarius-aquarius compatibility
aquarius-pisces compatibility
pisces moon astrology
pisces-aries compatibility
pisces-taurus compatibility
pisces-gemini compatibility
pisces-cancer compatibility
pisces-leo compatibility
pisces-virgo compatibility
pisces-libra compatibility
pisces-scorpio compatibility
pisces-sagittarius compatibility
pisces-capricorn compatibility
pisces-aquarius compatibility
pisces-pisces compatibility

Medical Astrology

Medical astrology can be defined as a healing art which with the help of information obtained from a persons natal chart of how the planets, houses and the signs are positioned and influencing any particular diseases on a particular part of the body. A Vedic astrologer with the Vedic horoscope of an individual which is derived from the time, place and date of birth, comes to certain findings of diseases in the person and also help him to escape the suffering. Not only the diseases but also organs associated with different planets and astrological sign including the drugs involved can be studied with the help of medical astrology. In those days a doctor cannot call himself so unless and until he or she is an astrologer for no diagnosis could be made without the help of astrological information. Medical Astrology
Astrological Principles & Diseases

Astrology the magical art not only predicts our future but also help us in providing solutions for many problems. Traditionally it has proved to do wonders at times in the field of medical astrology where without any hampering treatments it provides cure. Thus a blend of medical and astrology can bring new life to many people. Medical astrology can be defined as a healing art which with the help of information obtained from a persons natal chart of how the planets, houses and the signs are positioned and influencing any particular diseases on a particular part of the body.

Causes of Blindness
Causes of Blindness
The inability to see is defined as blindness. In today’s world the major cause of blindness is due to cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, corneal opacities, and diabetic retinopathy, trachoma, and vitamin deficiencies. However today because of diabetes age related blindness is becoming more common. People in the underdeveloped and developing countries are susceptible to more visual complications than their counterparts in the developed world. Thus blindness is a symptom of aging and of poor nourishment. Thus the major common cause of blindness includes age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy is usually the leading causes of blindness.
Causes of Madness
A change in the psychological or behavioral pattern of an individual from the normal is said to be defined as a mental illness or mental disorder. Such behaviors are generally not accepted in a normal culture. But however there is a total change in the perception of this illness worldwide. Thus when there is a problem in the mental health relationships along with physical health is also taken for a toss. From various surveys conducted across the world it is said that the USA tops the list of people with problems in their mental health. Also the UK has nearly 25% of its population with some or the other mental problem.
Causes of Blindness
Causes of Epilepsy
The episode of recurring seizures due to wrong signals sent by the clusters of nerve cells or neurons in the brain. It is commonly a brain disorder. People react to this in different ways where some have a severe muscle spasms or strange sensations and emotions thus behaving strangely or some might even lose consciousness. Though the cause of epilepsy is unknown it is said to be influenced by factors like brain injury and abnormal brain development.
Causes of Blindness
Causes of Limping
Causes of Blindness

When there is a slight change in the normal gait of an individual then it is said to be limping. But of course there are age related factors which also leads to limping. This occurs due to some neuromuscular disorder or rheumatic disease or malignancy which is at times psychogenic in nature. The causes of limping are numerous, ranging from trivial to life-threatening conditions.

There are chances of diagnostic enigma in a child which limps. The 8th house in the natal chart is supposed to govern factors like chronic diseases, surgery and limping. When this 8th house is occupied by Kuja it leads to deformity in an individual and also limping due to various factors. Though the planet Saturn in the eighth house is supposed to give long life it also causes difficulty in walking and a difficult gait. Jupiter in the fourth house when influenced by Saturn is said to cause physical ailments in the form of limping.

Causes of Leprosy
A mention of this diseases is made even in biblical times where it is featured by nerve damage, progressive debilitation and disfiguring skin sores. The word leprosy is derived from the French work "leper" and from the Greek word "lepros" which means scaly and is caused by a bacterium mainly affecting the skin. Children are more susceptible than adults to contracting the disease.When there is an imbalance in the energy flow between the planets and the humans, and then arises the problem of health ailments. The Malefic planets like Sun, Mars, and Saturn as lords of Kendra’s (1, 4, 7, and 10) are benefic. If Rahu is weak in a birth chart it causes problems in intestines, boils, skin, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, etc. The vital planet Sun governs various parts of the body like head, body, bone structure, constitution, blood, brain, bile, and digestive fire and the skin.
Causes of Blindness
Causes of Dwarfism
Causes of Blindness
Dwarfism is defined medically as a condition characterized by short stature and the main reason behind dwarfism is the genetic factors. So when an adult height is less than 4 feet 10 inches then they fall under the category of dwarfism. The most common type, accounting for 70% of all cases of short stature, is called achondroplasia.Though there are various reasons for dwarfism, the main underlying factor is genetics. The 8th house in the natal chart is supposed to govern factors like physical abilities, chronic diseases etc.When this 8th house is occupied by Kuja it leads to deformity in an individual and lead to conditions like dwarfism. Saturn which is considered to be the servant among the planets is responsible for any prolonged diseases and when it dominates the 8th house it gives long suffering life with disorders like dwarfism. Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis, dwarfism, giantism and nervous diseases.
Causes of Paralysis
Causes of Blindness
When there is a failure of transmission of message between your brain and muscles, it will result in loss of muscle function in part of your body which is called as paralysis. In paralysis the nerve damage can be either in the central nervous system or in the peripheral nervous system. It can either affect a particular portion of your body or completely. It is referred as paraplegia when it affects the lower half of your body and as quadriplegia if the arms and legs are affected.
Causes of Muteness
When there is a failure of transmission of message between your brain and muscles, it will result in loss of muscle function in part of your body which is called as paralysis. In paralysis the nerve damage can be either in the central nervous system or in the peripheral nervous system. It can either affect a particular portion of your body or completely. It is referred as paraplegia when it affects the lower half of your body and as quadriplegia if the arms and legs are affected.
Causes of Blindness
Causes of Deafness
The loss of ability to hear from one or both ears is deafness which occurs due to various factors. The cause of this may be inherited, or caused by complications at birth, certain infectious diseases, such as meningitis, use of ototoxic drugs, and exposure to excessive noise. Due to old age nearly 30 to 40% of the people have deafness. In the United States nearly 28 million people have hearing loss. Children also develop hearing loss which can be detrimental to language and social development. Sometimes trauma of the head may also result in deafness. The most common cause of deafness is exposure to noise. Usually damage results after long-term exposure to loud noise, but even brief exposure to extremely loud noise can permanently harm hearing.
Causes of Blindness
Body Organs - Bhaavas
Causes of Blindness
Medical Astrology is the science that analyzes how these imbalances can manifest in our physical body. When the natal chart is studied in light of present or future planetary movements (transits), Medical Astrology also provides insight into the timing of events and may give us clues as to when problems may begin, or fade off. In Astrology Human Body has been divided in to 12 parts and they have been correlated with 12 houses. Just as we divide the zodiacal circle into 12 signs, we divide the horoscope into 12 houses. Houses are grouped into three categories: angular, succedent and cadent. An angular house is situated on an angle. They are the four main points on the birth chart, which are: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Nadir. The angular houses are the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth houses. The succedent houses follow the angular houses and are the Second, Fifth, Eighth and Eleventh houses. Cadent houses follow succedent houses and are the Third, Sixth, Ninth and Twelfth houses.
Body Organs – Stars (Nakshatras)
Astrology can be a very helpful tool to assess health matters on a individual, and a great help for doctors and medical practitioners to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases. Since diseases are related to Karma, and the Grahas are the instruments trough which the law of Karma operates, we can asses the general health of a person, the organs-areas of the body which can be prone to diseases, injuries or weaknesses, the different periods of time when those diseases or injuries are more likely to occur, the time they may last and the prescription of the best medical treatment and astrological remedies. The 27 stars or constellations are used by vedic astrology since the ancient times and they are very relevant to many aspects of life including health and each Nakshatra can be related with certain part or organ of the physical body.
The reddish star in the zodiac at 0° in Mesha which is called as Arietis. It generally governs the head and cerebral hemispheres of the body and is responsible for all the diseases associated with them.
The star Bharani governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the head, cerebral hemispheres and organs within the head and eyes.
Various parts of the body like head, eyes, brain, vision, face, neck, tonsils and lower jaw are governed by the Krittika star which is also known as the "Star of Fire".
It influences different parts of the body like face, mouth, tongue, tonsils, palate, neck, cerebellum, atlas and cervical vertibrate and also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.
The planet governing this star is Mars and it influences and is responsible for the diseases associated face, chin cheeks, larynx, palate, throat, vocal chord, arms, shoulders thymus gland and upper ribs.
Ardra is governed by the planet Mercury. It is in charge of throat, arms and shoulders and also the diseases associated with them.
This star is governed by the planet Jupiter. The organs and the diseases under this star are ear, throat, shoulder blades, lungs respiratory system, chest, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and upper lobes of liver.
The lord of governance for the star Pushya is Saturn. Lungs, stomach and ribs are the main organs governed by this star and it s also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.
Mercury is the lord of the star Aslesha.The organs of the body under the governance of this star is lungs, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and liver.
This is a star of brightness and light and is governed by the planet Sun. The organs of the body under the influence of this star are heart, back, spinal chord, spleen, dorsal region of spine and aorta.
The heart and spinal chord is governed by Poorvaphalguni star and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs. The lord of this star is Sun and is governed by Venus.
The Sun governs the star Uttaraphalguni .Uttaraphalguni indicates both the need for union and for organizing the resources gained through it.
The sign is governed by mercury and the star is governed by moon. Not many organs are under the influence of this star.
The planet Mars is the lord of this star and different parts of the body under its influence are belly, lower part, kidney, loins, hernia and vasomotor system and also its diseases.
Swathi nakshatra rules the body parts like skin, kidneys, ureter, appendicitis, hernia and bladder and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.
The sign is governed by mercury and the star is governed by moon. Not many organs are under the influence of this star.
The various body parts ruled by this star are bladder, genital organs, rectum, nasal bones and bones near genital organs and also diseases associated with them.
It rules the organs like colon, anus, genital organs, ovaries and womb and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.
The various parts of the body under the influence of this star are hips, thighs, femur, ileum and sciatic nerves. Hence it is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.
Venus is the lord of the star Poorvashada and it governs various parts of the body like thighs, hips, the concygeal and the sacral regions of the spine, the filiac arteries and the veins.
The organs under the governance of this star are thighs, femur, arteries, skin and knees and are responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.
The lord of this star is the Moon. It governs lymphatic vessels, knees and skin and is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.
The various organs under the influence of this star are knee cap bones, ankles, limbs, portion between knees and ankles. Hence this star is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.
It is responsible for the organs it governs like portion between knees and ankles and calf muscle.
It is responsible for the diseases which are associated to the organs it governs and they are ankles, feet and toes.
It is responsible and associated with writing and speaking abilities. It governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the feet.
This star is under the governance of the planet Mercury.Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. It governs feet and toes and is responsible for the diseases associated with them.
Planets & Diseases
Sound Health is more precious than wealth because it enables you to enjoy life and work hard to accomplish your goals. Mental health is more essential to lead a peaceful life. Each planet causes certain diseases according to its nature as detailed hereunder. The ailments may vary according to the sign and house it occupies and the planets afflicting it. The parts of the body governed by the signs and planets are likely to be affected. The Ascendant or Sun is aid to be afflicted if conjunct with Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune or if any planet is situated at a distance of 90 or 180 degrees forming square or opposition aspects.
Planetary Positions & Health
Health and diseases of an individual is always said to be influenced by astrological factors like the positions of the planet. An astrologer can derive a natal chart by studying the position of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the two nodes, Rahu and Ketu, their declinations at the date and time of birth of an individual. A horoscope not only predicts the future of an individual but it can also reveal the physical characteristics of a person along with his health and diseases he or she is inclined to get. Thus the study of the two luminaries the Sun and the Moon along with the planets helps a lot in knowing about the health factors of an individual.
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