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Birth of the Company
India's largest power company, NTPC was set up in the year 1975 to accelerate power development in India. NTPC has been emerging as a diversified power major with presence in the entire value chain of the power generation business. Apart from power generation, which is the mainstay of the company, NTPC has already ventured into consultancy, power trading, ash utilisation and coal mining. NTPC has been ranked as the 337th in the '2012, Forbes Global 2000' ranking of the World's biggest companies. NTPC gradually became the Maharani company in May, 2010, one of the only four companies to be awarded this status.

The total installed capacity of the company is 41,184 MW (including JVs) with almost as 16 coal based and 7 gas based stations, located across the country. In addition under JVs, 7 stations are coal based & another station uses naptha/LNG as fuel and 2 renewable energy projects. The company has set a target to have an installed power generating capacity of 1,28,000 MW by the year 2032. The capacity will have a diversified fuel mix comprising 56% coal, 16% Gas, 11% Nuclear and 17% Renewable Energy Sources(RES) including hydro. By 2032, non fossil fuel based generation capacity shall make up nearly 28% of NTPC's portfolio. NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. The company has 17.75% of the total national capacity.

At NTPC, People before Plant Load Factor is the mantra that guides all HR related policies. NTPC has been awarded No.1, Best Workplace in India among most of the large organisations and the best PSU for the year 2010, by the Great Places to Work Institute, India Chapter in collaboration with The Economic Times. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is deeply ingrained in NTPC's culture. Through its expansive CSR initiatives, NTPC strives to develop mutual trust with the communities that surround its power stations.

NTPC as consultant : As a result of the phenomenal success achieved by NTPC in executing its own power projects, many utilities from India and abroad started approaching NTPC to gain from the rich experience gained by NTPC. With this in view NTPC formally established its Consultancy Wing in 1989.

An entire gamut of services is offered in the areas mentioned here: Owner's Engineer Services, Lender's Engineer Services, Environment Engineering and Management, Procurement Services, Project Management, Quality Assurance and Inspection Services, Materials Management, Construction Management, Erection and Commissioning, Financial Systems and Modeling, Operation and Maintenance, Restoration, Efficiency Improvement and Renovation and Modernization. HRD department handles Training, Research and Development, Information Technology, Management Consultancy, Commercial Consultancy.


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Indian Industries
Classified under RED category Aluminium industry, Cement industry, Construction industry, Copper industry, Dairy industry, Diamond industry, Fashion industry, Fertilizer industry, Film industry, Granite industry, Health care industry, Jewellery industry, Mining industry, Oil industry, Paint industry, Paper industry, Power industry, Printing industry, Rubber industry, Silk industry, Soap industry, Steel industry, Sugar industry, Textile industry, Tabacco industry, Zinc industry
Classified under ORANGE category Automobile industry, Cotton industry, Hotel industry, Jute industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Tractor industry, Weaving industry
Classified under GREEN category Advertising industry, Agricultural industry, Aviation industry, Banking industry, Biotechnology industry, Biscuit industry, Chocolate industry, Coir industry, Cosmetic industry, Cottage industry, Electronic industry, Food Processing industry, Furniture industry, Garment industry, Insurance industry, IT industry, Leather industry, Music industry, Mutual fund industry, Pearl industry, Plastic industry, Poultry industry, Railway industry, Real estate industry, Shipping industry, Solar industry


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