Indian Health Care Industry

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Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) is a non-profit organization which is a registered society formed in the year 1970. It is the federation for 27 State Voluntary Health Associations, which involves linking together more than 4500 health and development institutions across the country. It is one of the largest health association and has one of the most developed networks in the world. VHAI advocates people-centered policies for dynamic health planning and programmed management in India. They mostly initiate and support innovative health and development programmers at the grassroots with the active participation of the people. VHAI strives to build up a strong health movement in the country for a cost-effective, preventive , promotive and rehabilitative health care system.

It works towards a responsive public health sector and responsible private sector with accountability and quality service. VHAI promotes health issues of human rights and development. The beneficiaries of VHAI's programme include health professionals, researchers, social activists, government functionaries and media personnel.

Voluntary Health Association
VHAI's primary objective is to make health a reality for the people of India by promoting community health, social justice and human rights related to the provision and distribution of health services in India. VHAI tries to achieve these goals through campaigns, policy research, advocacy, need based training, media and Parliament interventions, publications and audio visuals, dissemination of information and running of health and development projects in difficult areas.

VHAI works for the people who have centered policies and their effective implementation. It sensitizes problems of the general public on important health and development issues for evolving a sustainable health movement in the country with due emphasis on its rich health and cultural heritage.

  • To ensure social justice, equity and Human Rights which is a provision and distribution of health services to all, with emphasis on the less privileged millions.

  • To promote and also to strengthen medically rational, culturally acceptable and economically sustainable Health Care System in the country.

  • To develop sustainable and also innovative strategies to ensure health and overall community development in remote and vulnerable areas through various grassroots level initiatives.

  • To provide relief and rehabilitation in the areas affected by disasters and calamities and help the affected rebuild a better life for themselves.

  • Health Policy Research and Policy interventions which is for a cost-effective promotive and mainly for the preventive Health Care System.

  • Advocacy and lobbying with policy makers.

  • Supporting voluntary efforts which is through formation and strengthening of similar developmental initiatives.

  • Initiating sustainable Health and Development programmes at the grassroots.

  • Developing communication strategies aimed at promoting campaigns and Health education.

  • Dissemination of information to wide range of audience.

  • Effective Networking with Government, UN and voluntary organizations.

  • Responding to disasters and calamities.

Contact address:

Voluntary Health Association Of India
B-40, Qutab Institutional Area, South of I.I.T. Delhi New Delhi - 110 016
Phone: 011-26518071-72, 011-47004300
Fax: 011-26853708

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