Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association Of India, Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association, Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association in India

Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association

Other Industrial Associations   



The Tool and Gauge Manufacturers association of India was stablished in the year 1990. There are 415 entities comprising mostly leading Indian tool rooms and many with ISO 9001 certification enrolled as members. TAGMA which is supported by the Confederation of Engineering Industry, since its inception has succeeded in getting good co-operation with the Govt. on various issues which were usually burdening the tooling industry, with suitable amendments during budgeting every year, like Tool Steel / Machine Tools Import under OGL in 1990-93 Import Policy. TAGMA TIMES as the official organ of the association, has over the years, since inception in 1993, has evoked spontaneous support and appreciation from the members and advertisers continuously.

Tool Manufactures association
TAGMA is mainly involved in contributions in the form of articles / press releases / product information / case study of interest to the industry. Organized delegations to EUROMOLD in Germany as a result of DEMAT - TAGMA PARTNERSHIP and MTA Exhibition in Singapore.Constant Interaction with most of the Industry and Steel Ministries succeeded in getting the notification no. 21 / (RE-2003) 2002-07 dtd. 28.10.03 issued by the DGFT for the steel used by tooling industry exempted from the BIS purview. The following key issues are being examined by the assoication: Current market size for tooling in India. Future requirements for the market. Demand for tooling in India based on likely growth and tooling requirements in user sectors. Current solutions: set out the current state of the Indian tool room industry in-house captive units, Commercial Tool Rooms (CTRs) and reliance on imports. Availability of raw material, standard components and mostly precision machinery, manpower government incentives. Outlook for the India tool room industry key issues impacting the industry and critical success determinants.

Tool Room Industry Vision
  • To promote training and the also make the diffusion of knowledge relating to standards in the manufacture of Tools and Gauges to improve the standards or the connected trade therewith or with allied industries and to impart relevant and appropriate training to all those engaged in the manufacture of tools and gauges.

  • To improve upon and to suggest the inspection specifications, procedure or material or other matters connected with the trade to the concerned authorities and to alleviate the grievances of the tool and gauge manufactures.

  • To promote cooperation with any other organized body or bodies whatsoever, by appointing members of the Association and others to represent the Association on any such body or bodies, to promote, support any other organised body for the furtherance of any of the objects contained therein.

  • To promote and encourage improvements in tool room industries for greater efficiency.

  • To organize relevant seminars, workshops and exhibitions, etc., to impart useful knowledge to the tool and gauge manufacturers.

  • To establish, run and maintain a library connected with the industry.

  • To print and publish periodicals, brochures relating to tool and gauge manufactures industry for enhancing knowledge and technology.

  • To promote the setting up of regional chapters to further the objectives of the Association.

  • To enhance the contribution of the tool room industry to the growth and development of the Indian National Economy and to encourage members to be progressive.

  • To publish a directory of members with details of products which are manufactured and services offered.
Membership of Associations
  • Confederation of Indian Industry - CII

  • Indo German Chamber of Commerce - IGCC
  • FADMA - ISTMA ASIA - Federation of Asian Die and Mould Associations (FADMA) and International Special Tooling Manufacturers Association (ISTMA)

  • World Trade Centre - MVIRDC - WTC

  • The Council of EU Chambers of Commerce in India

  • Propagates through the right forums, INDIA as a country of opportunities in the Tooling Industry at international fora - Organizes Events and Exhibition of International caliber to bring together Tool making industry and technology comparable globally.

  • DIEMOULD INDIA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS are also most popular which are mould and die show in India, conducted biannually, since 1998.

  • Organized World Class Tooling Seminars on rotational basis at Mumbai, Chennai, Pune and Bangalore.

Investment opportunities
  • Technology Upgradation

  • Improved Tool Designs

  • Cost effective production processes

  • Cost Competitiveness

  • Delivery of durable products

  • Repositing of the industry with respect to trends in global market and technology

  • Production and Business Strategies

  • Improved materials (Special Steels)

  • Networking between Indian / Foreign association / institutions, etc

  • R & D Setup

  • Safety, Quality, Inspection are the standards requirements of exports

  • Impact of WTO (World Trade Organisation) / NTB's (Non-Tariff Barriers), / TBT's (Technical Barriers to Trade)

  • Power and Transportation Cost

  • Availability of skilled manpower

  • Local conditions

  • Loan facilities, interest rates, working capital, etc

  • Excise Duty / Sales tax

  • NPC DSIR report
Role of the Association
  • To unite those corporate bodies engaged in the manufacture of Tools / Moulds / Dies and Gauges into one Association.

  • To identify their common problems and evolve viable solutions.

  • To increase and bring out the contribution of Tool Room Industry to the National Economy.

  • To act as a forum for a dialogue on knowledge and technology in the Tool Room Industry.

  • TAGMA is basically supported by the Confederation of Engineering Industry, succeeded in bringing Tool Steel Import under OGL in the 1990-93 Import Policy.
The membership of the Association is open to any individual, who is above the age of 18 years or company owning or managing an industry engaged in the design, sales or manufacture of tools, tooling elements, moulds and dies, gauges and precision tool room machines and who is covered under the Factories Act, 1984 or the shops and Establishments Act, 1960 and whose annual sales turnover shall not be less then Rs. 30 lacs (thirty lacs). The Executive Council shall accept and admit corporate bodies as "Ordinary Members", even if the annual minimum turnover criteria are not satisfied. The Executive Council usually has the absolute power and authority and shall be the sole judge to determine the eligibility in terms of the products and the services they can provide to the industry.

However, the corporate bodies considered for being admitted as "Members" must be otherwise eligible in terms of the minimum requirements of Factories Act 1948 and / or Shops and Establishments Act 1960. The Executive Council shall have the absolute power and authority to determine as to whether the eligibility criteria of Membership is fulfilled and their decision shall be final.

The Members of the Association are of the following categories:
Ordinary Members : The "Industry" which satisfies the eligibility conditions for becoming a member of the Association can become an Ordinary Member against payment of entrance fees and relevant subscription.

Patron Members : The industry which satisfies the eligibility for becoming member of the Association can become a Patron Member against one time contribution of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One lac) or more, or payable in 3 annual installments of Rs. 50,000/- in the first year and Rs. 25,000/- in each of the following two subsequent years.

Honorary Members: Persons who have rendered distinguished services to interests represented by the Association may be nominated by the Executive Council as "Honorary Members" for such period as may be decided by the Executive Council. The Honorary Member would be entitled to receive the last published report and to attend the meeting and speak but shall not have the right to vote at meetings.

Application For Membership: it will be made to the Secretary of the Association in the prescribed form in the name of the respective organisation or firm or company as the case may be and the same shall be duly proposed by a member and seconded by another member.


AddressA-33, NandJyot Industrial Estate Safed Pool,
A.K. Road, Mumbai - 400 072
Tel 022 - 28526876 / 28508976 Fax 022 - 28503273 Email

Address C/o. NTTF Industries Ltd,
23 / 24, Peenya Indl. Estate, II Phase, Bangalore - 560 068
Tel 080 - 28394840 / 28394848 Fax 080 - 28392428 Email

Address C/o. Brakes India Ltd,
Padi (P.O) Chennai - 600 050
Tel 044 - 26526662 / 26259175 Fax 044 - 26526672 Email

Address C/o. Electronica Machine Tools Ltd located in Elektra House,
691/1A, Pune-Satara Road, Pune - 411 031
Tel 020 - 24232900 Fax 020 - 24270891 Email

Address 22, Vasanth Nagar Trichy Road,
Singanallur Coimbatore - 641 005
Tel 0422-2590810 Fax 0422 2573629 Email Contact Ms. Vinitha

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