Industrial Associations of India

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Industrial Associations of India INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS OF INDIA Industrial Associations of India


   Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI)
Indian Advertising Industry
AAI has been behind the National Readership Survey as a joint industry initiative in collaboration with INS and ABC. Having felt the need for a self-regulating body in Advertising, AAAI was highly supportive to ...    more >>


   The Association of Furniture Manufacturers of India (AFMI)
Indian Furniture Association
The Association of Furniture Manufacturers of India (AFMI) was been established with a mission to unite manufacturers of furniture in India and generate better and pervasive opportunities. It started with ...    more >>


    Aluminium Association of India (AAI)
Indian Aluminium Industry
AAI was founded in 1981 and is been registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act. Recognized and supported by the Govt. of India through various Ministries, and which are in particular, Ministry ...    more >>


    All India Biotech Association (AIBA)
Indian Biotech Association
All India Biotech Association (AIBA) was established in 1994 as a non- profit Society to provide common Apex Forum at the national level to represent the interests of all those engaged in various aspects of bio ...    more >>


    Association of Indian Forging Industry(AIFI)
Indian Forging Industrial
Established in 1965 was formerly known as AIDFASI. It is the spokesman of the Indian Forging Industry, mostly for about the last four decades. For all these years, it has been to the headed by leaders of the in...    more >>


    All India Food Processors' Association(AIFPA)
Indian food Industrial Association
All India Food Processors' Association (AIFPA) was been established in the year 1943 by some highly accredited luminaries which is associated with a vision, which now is been encompassed as a ...    more >>


    All India Glass Manufacturers (AIGMF)
Indian Glass Industrial
The All India Glass Manufacturers' Federation was founded in the year 1944. The Federation is made up five Regional Associations viz., Eastern India Glass Manufacturers' Association (EIGMA)- in the ...           more >>


    All India Granites and Stone Association (AIGSA)
Indian Granites and Stone Association
All India Granites and Stone Association (AIGSA) was been established in the year 1983 for the progress and scientific development as well as in removing obstacles mainly to achieve rapid and constant ...           more >>


    The Association of Indian Magazines (AIM)
Indian Magazine Industrial
The Association of Indian Magazines (AIM) is termed as the first industry representation for magazines in India. The Association of Indian Magazines has usually been launched to support and defend the free...        more >>


    Association of Indian Manufacturers of Medical Devices (AIMED)
Indian Medical Devices
AI-MED is an most the Umbrella Association of Indian Manufacturers of Medical Devices covering all types of Medical Devices including consumables, disposables, equipments of diagnostics representing...        more >>


    All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA)
Indian Rubber Industrial
All India Rubber Industries Association is considered as one of the premier industries Association in the country, established in 1945 and has completed 57 years of existence. ...                                          more >>


    Aluminum Casters' Association of India (Alucast)
Indian Aluminium Industry
The seed for ALUCAST was been sown by MR. H. K. FIRODIA, who was then Chairman and Managing Director of Bajaj Tempo Ltd. in 1988, when in his opening remarks at the conference "Die Casting Tech ...    more >>


    Alkali Manufacturers’ Association (AMAI)
Indian Alkali Manufacturers
Alkali Manufacturers’ Association (AMAI) of India was established in 1960 & registered in 1977. AMAI is a Registered Non-profit making Public Limited Company under Section 25 of Companies Act, 1956 ...    more >>


    Badminton Association of India (BAI)
Indian Badminton Association
Badminton Association of India (BAI) is the most important governing body Badminton in India. Based in Lucknow, BAI is an association registered under the societies act. It was formed in the year 1934 ...    more >>


    Builders' Association of India (BAI)
Indian Builders' Association
In the year 1941 Builders' Association of India (BAI) was formed in Pune under the guidance from Brigadier Jackson, who also allotted office space in the Military Compound. The then office of BAI, aptly ...    more >>


    Bulk Drug Manufacturers Association (BDMA)
Indian Bulk Drug Manufacturers Association
The Bulk Drug Manufacturers Association (India) was formed in the year 1991 with Hyderabad as its Head Quarters. This is an all India body representing most of the Bulk Drug Manufacturers of India ...           more >>


    Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Indian Biotechnology Industry
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) which is been defined by the Section 25 “Not-for-Profit Company” of Government of India, which is been registered under India Companies Act 1956, ...    more >>


    Cotton Association of India(CAI)
Indian Cotton Association
CAI since its inception in 1921 has been Engaged in providing a wide range of services to the entire cotton value chain .Cotton Association of India (CAI) is been enlisted by the Director General of Foreign Trade ...    more >>


    Construction Chemicals Manufacturers' Association (CCMA)
Indian Construction Chemicals Manufacturers
Construction chemicals have been positively contributing to the high quality and durability of any construction. The construction chemicals industry in India is been currently at a nascent stage but is growing fast...    more >>


    Cosmetology Society of India
Indian Cosmetology Society
CDSI aims to bring science and amalgamate the concept of beauty. In this rapidly advancing field which is getting rapidly popular, it is necessary to keep a clear and rational perspective. In a field where ...    more >>


    Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA)
Indian Cement Manufacturers' Association
Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) is the most important apex body of cement manufacturers in India which was established in 1961. It is a unique body in as much as it has been both the private and ...    more >>


    Clothing Manufacturers Association Of India(CMAI)
Indian Clothing Manufacturers Association
The Clothing Manufacturers Association Of India (CMAI) is one of the most pioneer and representative Association of the Indian apparel industry for more than over four decades. It has a membership ...    more >>


    Elcina electronic industries association of India (ELCINA)
Indian Elcina electronic industries
ELCINA was been established in 1967 while the India's Electronics industry was still in its infancy. Since then the organization is well known as the interactive forum for electronics and IT manufacturers ...             more >>


    Fertilizers Association of India (FAI)
Indian Fertilizers Association
The Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) is mainly a non-profit and non-trading company representing mainly the fertiliser manufacturers, distributors, importers, equipment manufacturers, research institutes ...          more >>


    The Franchising Association of India (FAI)
Indian Franchising Association
It is an industry association which has the turnover of $4 billion franchise sector growing at a rate of 25-30% annually in India, representing franchisees, franchisors and service providers to the sector. ...          more >>


    The Federation of Hotel and Restauurant Associations of India (FHRAI)
Hotel Association of India
It was been established in the year 1955 and was sponsored by the four Regional Associations representing the Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern regions of India. The Memorandum of Association ...          more >>


    The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA)
Federation of Indian Airlines
The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) serves as an apex industry body which is been formed by the scheduled carriers in India. The airline industry is been together to form a single representative body, ...          more >>


    Federation of Indian Coir Exporters Associations(FICEA)
Federation of Indian Coir Exporters Associations
It Is the Confederation of Coir and also allied products exporters of India. FICEA, under its single umbrella, has even to its credit all the Exporter Associations of coir from the country namely- Indian Coir ...          more >>


    Hotel Association of India (HAI)
Hotel Association of India
Established in 1996, which is the apex organization of the Indian Hospitality industry. With its membership mostly extending from the major hotel groups, boutique hotels, heritage hotels, large, medium ...       more >>


    Health Economics Association of India (HEAI)
Health Economics Association
The Health Economics Association of India (HEAI) is a professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in health economics research in India. HEAI is an affiliate of the International Health ...       more >>


    Indian Agricultural Association(IAA)
Indian Agricultural Association
The Indian Agricultural Association is mainly the national body of agricultural graduates in India. The members of this professional body are the one who are agricultural graduates scattered along the length ...       more >>


    Indian Banks' Association (IBA)
Indian Banks' Association
It was formed on the 26th September 1946 with 22 members. As on 31st March 2012 IBA has 173 members. The members comprise of Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks having ...       more >>


    Indian Biscuit Manufactures’ Association
Indian Biscuit Manufactures’ Association
IBMA estimates the very much annual growth in the range of 15% to 20% during the next five years, in the event of reduction in the rate of VAT on Biscuits to 4%. On the vital issue of Central Excise Duty, ...       more >>


    Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (ICEMA)
Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers
Constituted in 1949 as Tractor & Allied Equipment manufacturers and Importers Association Ltd., the association started with 10 Indian member companies, primarily manufacturers and importers of ...       more >>


    International Copper Promotion Council India(ICPCI)
International Copper Promotion Council India
International Copper Promotion Council India (ICPCI), is the Indian centre of the International Copper Association, Limited, (ICA) the leading organization for the promotion of copper worldwide. ...       more >>


    Indian Dairy Association (IDA)
Indian Dairy Association
IDA is been Established in the year 1948, it is the apex body of the dairy industry in India. The members are from the cooperatives, MNCs, corporate bodies, private institutions, educational institutions, ...       more >>


    Industrial Diamond Association of India (IDAI)
Indian Diamond Association
The Diamond Tool industry is still in its stage of infancy in India. Perhaps it is one of the most promising industries in the country's march on the road to progress. Till the early 1960's, there were no ...          more >>


    Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA)
Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers
IEEMA was instituted in 1948 by most of the pioneers of the industry to provide guidance and leadership mostly to the fledgling Indian electrical Industry which was aligning itself to the national goal of self ...           more >>


    Indian Exhibition Industry Association (IEIA)
Indian Exhibition Industry Association
Exhibition Industry Association of India is the apex body in India bringing together along wit the exhibition organizers, designers, stand contractors, freight forwarders, services and facilities providers, ...        more >>


    India Folding Carton Manufacturers Association (IFCA)
Indian Folding Carton Association
The Indian Flexible Packaging & Folding Carton Manufacturers Association (IFCA) is been established in the year 1965 which has been pursuing through its multifarious activities to address to the needs ...        more >>


    Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)
Indian Farmers Fertiliser
The world’s largest fertilizer cooperative federation which is based in India which is registered as a Multistate Cooperative Society. IFFCO has 40,000 member cooperatives ...                                                   more >>


    Indian Medical Association(IMA)
Indian Medical Association
Indian Medical Association is been the only representative, national voluntary organization of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being ...     more >>


    Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA)
Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers
Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) an apex body representing the interests of the machine tool industry in the country. Established in the year 1947, the organization is involved ...    more >>


    Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA)
Indian Paper Manufacturers Association
Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA) the body represents the resurgent and organized face of paper sector in India. Large Integrated Paper Mills from private and public sector with a product mix ...    more >>


    Indian Society of Agriculture Economics(ISAE)
Indian Society of Agriculture Economics
The establishment of the Indian Society of Agriculture Economics was been done in December 1939 which constituted a landmark in the progress in the study of agricultural economics in India. In its ...     more >>


    Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers(ISAE)
Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
The Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers was been established in the year 1960. Agricultural Engineering, involves application of all the engineering to production, processing, preservation and handling ...     more >>


    Indian Sugar Mill Association (ISMA)
Indian Sugar Mill Association
the oldest industrial association in the country was been established in 1932 when tariff protection was granted to the industry. It is recognized usually by the Central and State Governments as the central ...    more >>


    Process Plant and Machinery Association of India (PPMAI)
Process Plant and Machinery Association
Process Plant & Machinery Association of India (PPMAI) was been established on March 31, in the year 1964, which is an Association of Companies that provide Systems, Equipment & Services for esta ...    more >>


    Retailers Association of India (RAI)
Retailers Associationn
Retailers Association of India (RAI) is the been serving as the unified voice of Indian retailers. RAI is a not for profit organization, which works with all the stakeholders for creating the right environment for ...    more >>


    Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM)
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) is the most of the apex Industry body representing 38 leading vehicle and vehicular engine manufacturers in India. SIAM is an important channel ...       more >>


    Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI)
Voluntary Health Association
Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) is a non-profit which is a registered society formed in the year 1970. It is mostly the federation for 27 State Voluntary Health Associations, which involves ...       more >>


    Winding Wires Manufacturers’ Association (WWMAI)
Winding Wires Manufacturers’ Association
Winding Wires Manufacturers’ Association (WWMAI) is been Incorporated in November 1973, and is the Representative Association of Indian Copper Winding Wires Manufacturers. Members of the...          more >>


    Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association of India (TAGMA)
Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association
Tool and Gauge Manufactures Association of India (TAGMA) Established in the year 1990. There are 415 entities comprising most leading Indian tool rooms and many with ISO 9001 certification ...          more >>
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