Indian Spices Industry

Other Industries in 2020-2021   


Indian Spices Industry INDIAN SPICES INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2020 - 2021Indian Spices Industry

India is the home of spices. It has a long history of the usage and export of spices across the globe. Indian spices are renowned for their great aroma, taste and medicinal values.

2020-2021 Indian Spices Industry
India is the world's largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices; the country produces about 75 of the 109 varieties listed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and accounts for half of the global trading in spices. The commonly used spices include ginger, mustard, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, hinge, turmeric, pepper, garlic and the list is quite exhaustive with many lesser known spices that are native to certain states or areas in India.

Spice Exports from India
  • In FY20, spices worth US$ 3.62 billion were exported.
  • The Top 10 importers of Indian spices in FY 20 were US, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Thailand, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka.
  • The top 10 exported spices and spice products in terms of value were chilli, mint products, spice oils & oleoresins, cumin, turmeric, pepper, curry powder/paste, cardamom seeds, other spices like Tamarind, Asafoetida, and Cassia, and Garlic.
  • During FY20, India’s chilli export stood at 468,500 tonnes, cumin export at 180,300 tonnes, turmeric export at 133,600 tonnes and cardamom large export at 860 tonnes.
  • The total spices export during April 2020 to February 2021 was US$ 3.55 billion and for the month of February 2021 alone it was US$ 348.32 million.
  • In FY20, ginger export showed the highest growth of 47% with 19,410 tonnes, followed by cardamom with 31% at 1,060 tonnes and cumin with 14% at 7,350 tonnes.
  • Spices export value stood at US$ 3.65 billion in FY20, witnessing a growth of 10% y-o-y.

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