Indian Weaving Industry

Other Industries in 2019-2020   


Indian Weaving Industry INDIAN WEAVING INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2019 - 2020 Indian Weaving Industry

Weaving industry plays a major role in the Indian economy. It contributes 14% to industrial production and 4% to GDP. With over 45 million people involved, it is one of the largest source of employment generation in the country. The textile industry accounts for nearly 15% of India’s total exports. Indian weaving industry has traditionally been one of the most thriving sectors for mass employment.

Indian Weaving Industry in 2019-2020

India’s weaving sector comprises of three distinct sectors viz. organized mills, power loom and handloom sector. India has an installed capacity of about 68,000 looms , 2.52 Million power loom and 2.38 Million handloom. Approximately, 95% of the weaving sector in India is un-organized in nature. Decentralized power-loom and hosiery sector contributes about 85% of total fabric production. Processing segment is dominated by large number of independent, small-scale enterprises. There are about 3.8 Lakh weaving mills across India with majority of the mills situated in Maharashtra (39%), followed by Tamil Nadu (23%) and Uttar Pradesh (15%).

Approximately 95% of the weaving sector in India is unorganized in nature. The decentralized power loom and hosiery sector contributes 85% of total fabric production. India has one of the largest installed production bases in the world in weaving sector but at the same time it uses old technology with low productivity and quality levels. In terms of technology adoption in the weaving sector, India has only 2% share in global shuttle-less looms installed capacity.

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