Indian Electronic Industry

Other Industries in 2019-2020   


Indian Electronic Industry INDIAN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2019 - 2020 Indian Electronic Industry

There is a significant demand for high-end consumer electronics in the Indian subcontinent of late thanks to modernisation and increase in average disposal income. The consumer electronics and appliances sector is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 13.4% to touch USD 20.6 Billion by 2020. India, one of the largest electronics markets in the world is anticipated to reach $ 400 bn by 2025.

The Consumer Electronics and Appliances Industry in India is expected to become the fifth-largest in the world by 2025. The electronics manufacturing sector in India accounts for 2.5% of the GDP, and employs over 13 million people both directly and indirect jobs.

By 2025, India could create a digital economy of $800 billion to $1 trillion, and India’s digital economy could fuel 18–23% of overall economic activity by 2025.

2019-2020 Indian Electronics Industry

Export of Indian Electronics

Currently India exports about US$ 6 billion worth of electronics annually and it should target the figure of US$ 100 billion by 2022-23, i.e., a 15-fold growth in five years or a CAGR of 75 per cent. Currently, our exports amount to 13 per cent of domestic production, which is hovering around US$ 45 billion.

Export of Indian Electronics

  • From April-July 2019, exports of computer hardware and peripherals and consumer electronics stood at US$ 113.99 million and US$ 148.90 million, respectively.
  • Exports of consumer electronics from India reached US$ 148.90 million from April- July’19. The top export destinations were USA (US$ 39.89 million), UK (US$ 3.68 million), Singapore (US$ 10.17 million), Israel (US$ 6.91 million) and Belgium (US$ 6.10 million).

  • The National Policy on Electronics 2019 targets $400 billion turnover by 2025 and is likely to employ over 10 million people directly or otherwise to achieve a growth rate of 32 percent.

  • The policy targets production of one billion mobile handsets by 2025, valued at $190 billion, including export of 600 million mobile handsets valued at $110 billion.

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    Indian Electronic Industry  Elcina -electronic industries association of India

    Indian Electronic Industry  Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA)


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