Indian Cottage Industry


Indain Coir Industry INDIAN COTTAGE INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2019 - 2020 Indain Cottage Industry

Cottage industry have always had an important role in the Indian economy. It helps in increasing the export of the country and it provides the most employment to rural populaion after agriculture.
Furniture, wood works, bamboo products, products made from glass, khadi, handloom, handicrafts products are major part of cottage industry in India. Every state and region of India have some expertise in producing some special products as cottage produce.
Cottage and small scale industries take part in about 40% of the total industrial output in India.

Indian Cottage Industry in 2019-2020


Struggles for the Indian Cottage Industry

  • The middlemen offer low prices to the manufacturer of the cottage products.
  • The handloom weavers face heavy competition from the power looms industries.
  • There are not much scope to improve or hone the skills of the people involved.
  • Government subsidies offered to the cottage industries are very minimal.
  • Raw materials are limited and they are hard to replenish.
  • Easy and cheap finances are not available to these industries.
  • Generally, these industries are located in rural areas, hence marketing the produce is a big obstacle.

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    Indian Industry  back to cottage INDUSTRies