Indian Soap Industry

Other Industries in 2018-2019   


Indian Soap IndustryINDIAN SOAP INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2018 - 2019 Indian Solar Industry

General Overview

The soap manufacturing industry is one of the oldest industries operating in the FMCG sector in India, and accounts for more than 50% of the consumer goods sector. There are about 700 companies that act as key vendors in India's soap industry. Together, these companies have a combined yearly revenue of an estimated $17 billion US dollars.

2018-2019 Indian Soap Industry

Key Players

The overall soap industry in India is worth at 60000 crores. The toilet soaps market is estimated at 530,000 tpa including small imports. The market is littered over with several, leading national and global brands and a large number of small brands, which have limited markets. Soaps form the largest pie of the FMCG Market with bathing & toilet soaps accounting for around 30% of the soap market, by value.

Market players

The key vendors in this market include Unilever, P&G and Dial, among others. An estimated 50 companies hold approximately 90 percent of the shares of this market. The popular and premium brands include Lifebuoy, Lux, Cinthol, Liril, Rexona, and Nirma. Premium soaps are estimated to have a market volume of about 80,000 tonnes. This translates into a share of about 14 to 15%.

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