Indian Railway Industry

Other Industries in 2018-2019   


Indian Railway Industry INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A GLANCE IN 2018 - 2019 Indian Railway Industry

Indian Railways

India's rail network was the third largest in the world in FY18. The Indian Railways route length network is spread over 115,000 km, with 12,617 passenger trains and 7,421 freight trains each day from 7,349 stations plying 23 million travellers and 3 million tonnes (MT) of freight daily. India's railway network is recognized as one of the largest railway systems in the world under single management. Indian Railways was the preferred carrier of automobiles in the country with loading from automobiles traffic growing 16 per cent in 2017-18.

2018-2019 Indian Railway Industry

Market Size

Indian Railways' revenues increased at a CAGR of 6.20 per cent during FY07-FY18 to US$ 27.71 billion in FY18. Earnings from the passenger business grew at a CAGR of 6.43 per cent during FY07-FY18 to reach US$ 7.55 billion in 2017-18P. Freight revenue rose at a CAGR of 6.36 per cent during FY07-FY18 to reach US$ 18.16 billion in 2017-18. India was among the top 20 exporters of railways globally, as of 2017. India's exports of railways have grown at a CAGR of 27.05 per cent during 2010-2017 to US$ 303.29 million. Exports of railways in 2018 stood at US$ 454.99 million.

Investments/ Forecast

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into Railways Related Components from April 2000 to December 2018 stood at US$ 940.92 million. In the next five years, the Indian railway market will be the third largest, accounting for 10 per cent of the global market. Indian Railways, which is one of the country's biggest employers, can generate one million jobs, according to the Railway Ministry. Indian Railways is targeting to increase its freight traffic to 3.3 billion tonnes by 2030 from 1.1 billion tonnes in 2017.

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2017 - 2018

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2016 - 2017

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2015 - 2016

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2014 - 2015

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2013 - 2014

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Railway Industry  INDIAN RAILWAYS AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

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