Performance for the year
The average Assets Under Management (AAUM) of the Indian Mutual Fund Industry
as on March 31, 2019 stood at 23,79,584 crore.
The AUM of the Indian MF Industry has grown from 4.17 trillion as on 31st March, 2009 to 23.80 trillion as on 31st March, 2019, more than 5 ^1/2 fold increase in a span of 10 years.
The MF Industry's AUM has grown from 8.25 trillion as on 31st March, 2014 to ?23.80 trillion as on 31st March, 2019, about 3 fold increase in a span of 5 years .

The total number of accounts or folios as on March 31, 2019 stood at 8.25 crore (82.5 million), while the number of folios under Equity, ELSS and Balanced schemes, wherein the maximum investment is from retail segment stood at 6.93 crore (69.3 million).
The mutual fund investor count is also estimated to have grown by over 1.3 crore during the year.
2019 is quite bright for mutual funds as AUMs rose to about ?3 trillion in 2018.
The asset under management (AUM) of the mutual fund industry rose by 13% to 24 trillion in 2018 by November-end itself, up from 21.26 trillion at the end of December 2017
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2017 - 2018
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2016 - 2017
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2015 - 2016
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2014 - 2015
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2013 - 2014
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013
INDIAN mutual fund INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012
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