Indian Sugar Industry

Other Industries in 2014-2015   


Indian Sugar industryINDIAN SUGAR INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2014 - 2015 Indian Sugar industry

The 'sugar cycle' logic, and the fact that we have now had four consecutive high-production years, increases the likelihood of both output falling and prices firming up in 2014-2015.High cane dues are estimated to have reduced plantings in Uttar Pradesh this time by 10-15 per cent, even as acreages in Maharashtra and Karnataka are said to be 10-15 per cent higher. But in the latter States too, production in 2014-15 could be hit because of the low prospects of the monsoon.Overall, therefore, the outlook for Indian sugar is somewhat bullish . Yet, one may not see any significant improvement in price realizations only because the new sugar year would start off with stocks of roughly 75 lakh tonnes, equivalent to almost four months' domestic consumption.

The Indian sugar industry is comprised of large companies such as Balrampur Chini Mills, Bajaj Hindusthan Ltd., and Shree Renuka Sugars which posses the maximum market share in the organized sector. The sugar market in terms of revenues has grown at a CAGR of 5% from FY'2009-FY'2014.

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Indian Sugar Industry  Indian Sugar MillS Association

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