Indian Sugar Industry

Other Industries in 2013-2014   


Indian Sugar industry INDIAN SUGAR INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2013 - 2014 Indian Sugar industry

Indian Sugar Industry is not perform well in the year 2013. Drought in the state of Maharashtra, India's biggest sugar producing state pulled down India's overall sugar production in 2013-14 crop season by 5% to 23.7 million tonnes as compared to 25 million tonnes in 2012-13, according to the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA). According to ISMA, sugarcane acreage in 2013-14 season was around 5.15 million hectares, almost 1.52% less than last year, mainly due to drought in Maharashtra.

Sugarcane acreage in Uttar Pradesh another sugar producting state in India is expected to 3.1% higher than last year. UP along with Maharashtra contribute more than 80% of the total sugar produced in the country. In Maharashtra, sugarcane acreage fell by around 12.5% in 2013-14 mainly due to drought in the main growing areas. Acreage is also down by almost 8% in Karnataka due to low rains. The opening sugar balance for 2013-14 season has been around 8 million tonne, which is around 2 million tonnes more than the usual opening balance.

Indian Sugar Industry  INDIAN Sugar Industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Sugar Industry  INDIAN Sugar Industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Sugar Industry  Indian Sugar MillS Association

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