Indian Rubber Industry

Other Industries in 2013-2014   


Indian Rubber IndustryINDIAN RUBBER INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2013 - 2014 Indian Rubber Industry

India's natural rubber imports jumped by about 50 percent in 2013 as excess rainfall slashed production and boosted local prices. India is the fourth biggest natural rubber producer but still the imports continue unabated. Tyre makers have no choice but to import more rubber. Local production is not sufficient to meet their demand according to industry sources. Imports rose to 80,000 tonnes of natural rubber in the July-September quarter of 2013. India imported 53,522 tonnes or rubber in the same quarter of 2012.

India's natural rubber production fell 13 percent in June 2013 from a year ago to 54,000 tonnes against demand of 82,000 tonnes. India's southern state of Kerala, which accounts for more than 90 percent of the country's natural rubber production, received 40 percent more rainfall than normal in 2013 and hence the drop in rubber production.

Indian Rubber industry in 2013-2014
India's production of natural rubber for 2013-14 was estimated at 960,000 tons and consumption at 1,020,000 tons but actual production may fall to 8,50,000 tons as intensive rains and lower prices caused decline in production.according to market observers. In 2012-13, India had produced 912,200 tonnes, a per cent rise on a year ago. Despite lower production in April-December during 2013-14, consumption did not decline significantl. It dropped to 728,080 tonnes, compared to 742,480 tonnes a year ago.

The production of natural rubber has fallen by 10 per cent during April-December in the current financial year, according to the Rubber Board, at 627,000 tonnes against 697,200 tonnes a year ago. This might affect availability for the next few months. Board sources said production this financial year would be 870,000 tonnes.

Indian Rubber Industry  INDIAN Rubber INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Rubber Industry  INDIAN Rubber INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Indian Rubber Industry  All India Rubber Industries Association

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