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Leather IndustryINDIAN LEATHER INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2013 - 2014 Leather Industry

The growth in demand of Indian leather is driven by the Indian and International fashion industry, especially footwear, furniture, interior design and the automotive industry. The Indian leather industry occupies a place of prominence in the Indian economy in view of its substantial export earnings and growth. Also it employs around 2.5 million people. The export of leather and leather products increased manifold over the past decades and touched US$ 4.86 billion in recent years. India's leather industry has witnessed phenomenal growth, transforming from a mere raw material supplier to a value-added product exporter. Today almost 50 per cent of India's leather business comes from international trade.

The major markets for Indian leather products are Germany, Italy, the UK, the US, Hong Kong, Spain, France, the Netherlands, the UAE, Portugal and Belgium. For the five year period of 2007- 2012, India's leather exports grew at a rate of 8.2 per cent, reaching US$ 4.86 billion in 2011-12. Leather and leather products exports touched about US$ 8.5 billion in 2013-14.

Leather Bag  INDIAN leather INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Leather Bag  INDIAN leather INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Indian Industry  back to leather INDUSTRies


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