Production of raw silk in India was 23,060 MT in 2011-12, of which, mulberry raw silk output aggregated to 18,272 MT (79.24%). The remaining 4,788 MT (20.76%) was Vanya silk. Mulberry sericulture is mainly practiced in five states namely, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Jammu & Kashmir jointly accounting for about 97% of the total mulberry silk production in the country. India is the largest consumer of raw silk in the world. As the consumption of raw silk which is around 28,733 MT exceeds the production, the additional requirement is imported mainly from China. During 2012-13 (April '12 - Jan 13), raw silk production in the country was 17,887 MT compared to 17,483 MT in 2011-12 with an increase of 2.3% The mulberry raw silk production in the country was 13,991 MT in 2012-13 compared to 14,153 MT in 2011-12 with a decrease of 1.1%.
However, there was significant increase in Vanya silk production in the country during April '12 - Jan'13, when compared to 2011-12.The % of increase in Vanya silk production was around 17%. The Govt. of India during its Budget announcement for 2013-14 has announced increase in the basic custom duty on silk imports from the existing level of 5% to 15% in order to help the Indian silk industry.