Indian Printing Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Indian Printing Industry INDIAN PRINTING INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Indian Printing Industry

The compounded annual growth rate of the Indian Printing Industry is estimated to be 12.2% for the period 2007-12. The objective is to achieve 60% growth by the year 2014. The printing industry in India is highly fragmented. Newspapers and magazine publishing section have the large printers apart from a few in package, label and commercial printing. About 77% of the printing houses are family owned.

From 2002 onwards the government allowed foreign investment. Foreign investors can now invest up to 26% in daily newspapers and 100% in scientific or other publications with government approval. Printing sector has evolved from a manufacturing industry into a service industry in India of late.Publishing have come up to the international standards as well.

Most of the large printers are found in big cities of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai. Also, Sivakasi in Southern India has emerged as a commercial printing hub. It accounts for a major share of exports from the Indian Printing Industry.

Indian Printing Industry  INDIAN printing Industry AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

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