Indian Paper Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Indian Paper Industry INDIAN PAPER INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Indian Paper Industry

The Indian paper industry is one of the important industry in terms of socio-economic development of the country. The size of the Indian Paper industry is estimated to be Rs. 25,000 crore ($ 5.95 billion).

It accounts for about 1.6% of the world's production of paper. The industry provides employment to more than 0.12 million people directly and 0.34 million people indirectly. The consumption of paper in India has been growing by around 6% annually for the past five years. Industrial Paper forms the bulk, accounting to around 60% of the total consumption.

Indian Paper industry in 2012-2013
Paper consumption in India is poised for a big leap forward in accordance with the economic growth and is estimated to touch 13.95 million tons by 2015-16. It is estimated that there would be an increase in demand of 1 million tons.

As per industry estimates, paper production grew at a CAGR of 8.4% while paper consumption grew at a CAGR of 9% in 2012-13.

Indian Paper Industry  INDIAN paper INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Indian Paper Industry  Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA)

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