Indian Fashion Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Indian Fashion Industry INDIAN FASHION INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Indian Fashion Industry

The Indian Fashion industry is booming like never before in India. The domestic Indian Textile market is worth $25 billion and is growing at an annual rate of 15-20%. Mega Malls are mushrooming all over the country.

MNC Fashion and Lifestyle goods brands like Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Swarovski, Cartier, Tiffany, Omega, Mont Blanc have already set shop in India. More like, Ferragano, Versace, Gucci, Valentino, Prada and Fendi are coming. The Retail sector is witnessing a massive makeover with the Tatas, Birlas and Ambanis roping in.

Indian Fashion in 2011-2012
As the middle class in India grows, wages rise, and style becomes more accessible, the Indian fashion market is turning into a place of great opportunity, for both local and international designers.

The Indian Fashion industry draws its inspiration from India's colorful heritage, diverse culture and distinct sense of fashion. Fashion designing, in the era of globalisation, has now taken the form of not only apparel designing but also Jewelry and Accessories designing as well.

Indian Fashion Industry  INDIAN FASHION INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012

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