Indian Electronic Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Indian Electronic Industry INDIAN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Indian Electronic Industry

Modernisation plans coupled with a good budget allocation in the defense sector has fuelled growth in the country's electronics industry and it is projected to cross Rs 10000 crore during the current year. The Indian electronics industry has shown an upward trend during the 11th Plan, growing from Rs 5400 crore in 2007-2008 to Rs 7948 crore in 2011-12 and is projected to cross Rs 10000 crore during the current year.

It is estimated that the defense electronics purchases will be about Rs 600,000 crore in the next ten years. This offers an immense growth opportunity for domestic electronics manufacturers. While the Navy and IAF are likely to contribute about 15 per cent each, bulk of the demand (about 70 per cent) will come from the Army.

2012 was an interesting year, with both exciting and worrying events for the Electronics Industry in India. While on the one hand the global economic climate was volatile and caused some slowdown in the country's economic growth, on the other the National Policy on Electronics promised far-reaching consequences for the Indian Electronics industry.

Indian Electronics Industry in 2012-2013
The Policy aims at addressing the huge gap which is estimated at Rs.15.31 lakh crore ($300 billion) between locally manufactured electronics and the consumer demand for electronics that we expect to see by 2020.

If immediate steps are not taken to address this gap, it is forecasted that by 2020, electronics imports may far exceed oil imports. Diverse areas such as manufacturing, R&D, IP creation, manpower and training, standards, e-waste management, investments, and the setting up of a National Electronics Mission are the immediate requirements for a growth in the Indian Electronics scenario.

Indian Electronic Industry  INDIAN electronics INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Indian Electronic Industry  Elcina -electronic industries association of India

Indian Electronic Industry  Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association(IEEMA)

Indian Electronic Industry  Winding Wires Manufacturers Association (WWMAI)

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