Indian Coir Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Indain Coir Industry INDIAN COIR INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Indain Coir Industry

Coir Export in India fetched around Rs 1500 cr in 2012-13 as against Rs 1052 crore in the last fiscal. There is a huge market for Indian Coir products abroad and at present exports are being done to more than 112 countries.

More than 40 per cent of the production is being exported.At present domestic sales is about Rs 3000 crores. The exports had grown by 30 per cent in value and 28 per cent in the current financial year.

Coir exports from India had maintained a continuous growth trajectory even during the global economic crisis. For the Indian coir exports the US is the largest market accounting for 37 per cent.

Indian Coir Industry in 2012-2013
The domestic market for coir products is currently estimated at Rs 2,000 crore and this is expected to grow to Rs 3,500 crore by 2017. The Coir Board has earmarked Rs 4.59 crore financial assistance in 2012-13 for the development of coir industry in various states.

Coir exports from India now have new markets such as Russia and Latin America. The state of Kerala is responsible for about 80% of India's coir exports. The coir industry in Kerala employs almost 3.5 lakh people. Exports have risen at healthy rate of more than 20% during the last nine months of this fiscal.

Indian Coir Industry  INDIAN coir industry AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Indian Coir Industry  Federation of Indian Coir Exporters Associations [FICEA]

Indian Industry  back to coir INDUSTRies


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