Indian Aviation Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Aviation Industry INDIAN AVIATION INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Aviation Industry

The air transport including air freight in India has attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) worth US$ 448.40 million from in the year 2012, as per the data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).

International passenger numbers, which grew by about 10 per cent last year, is expected to increase towards the upper end of a 10-12 per cent range over the next 12 months period.

The Indian aviation industry is facing its most uncertain phase in more than a decade in 2012-2013.

After reporting an estimated record loss of just over USD2 billion in the last 12 months around the end of 2012, India's airlines are facing an equally challenging year ahead.

Indian Aviation Industry in 2011-2012
The Indian domestic aviation industry had a capacity growth of 7-8% in FY2012/13 and traffic grew by 8-10%. However India's airlines are expected to post a combined loss of USD1.3-1.4 billion. In FY2012/13 Indian carriers added approximately 24 aircraft to their fleet.

In the 12 months ending 31-Mar-2013, Air India was the worst performer in the industry and reported a loss of INR70 billion (USD1.3 billion).Kingfisher Airlines lost around INR12-14 billion (USD220-260 million). However, the remaining four private carriers combined posted a profit of approximately INR11 billion (USD200 million).

Aviation  INDIAN AVIATION INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Aviation  The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA)


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