Indian Aluminium Industry

Other Industries in 2012-2013   


Aluminium INDIAN ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2012 - 2013 Aluminium

India was the second largest consumer of aluminium in Asia during the year 2012, with the electrical sector being the main driver of demand.

As the largest producer of aluminium in India, we are well positioned to cater to its growing demand for aluminium.

In addition to the electrical sector, the automotive and construction sectors also contribute a major share for the aluminium market in India.

As per forecast, the primary aluminium demand in India is expected to reach 6 million tonnes by 2025, which equates to about 4.1kg of per capita aluminium consumption in 2025.

2012-2013 Indian Aluminium Industry
When compared to the current per capita aluminium consumption of around 1.5 kg and aluminium demand of 1.8 million tonnes, this underscores the immense potential for demand growth in India.

Aluminium continues to outpace other base metals in 2012-13, despite softer demand according to a study.

However the Indian aluminium industry would be affected by probable slower Chinese growth in the years to come.

Aluminium  INDIAN aluminum Industry AT A Glance IN 2011 - 2012

Aluminium  Aluminium Association of India

Aluminium  The Aluminum Casters' Association of India (Alucast)

Indian Industry  back to aluminium INDUSTRY


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