Indian Tourism Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Indian Tourism Industry INDIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Indian Tourism Industry

India is the second-fastest growing tourism market in the world. Tourism in India is the largest service industry contributing up to 6.23 per cent to the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and providing 8.78 per cent of the total employment opportunity in India. India's travel and tourism industry is one of the most profitable industries in the country. It is also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange to the exchequer. Indian is a land of vast tourism opportunities as it is comprised of different cultures, traditions, festivals, and places of interest.

The country is one of the favorite tourist destinations around the world, according to world travel and tourism Council (WTTC). Further, the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum, has ranked India at the sixth place in tourism and hospitality.

The tourism sector's direct contribution to the GDP of India in 2011 was estimated at US$ 32.7 billion. It registered a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13 per cent during the period of 2006-11. Total contribution increased to US$ 76.7 billion in 2011 from US$ 56.3 billion in 2009.

Indian Tourism in 2011-2012
Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) during the period of 2011-2012 also registered a steady growth.

The growth rate in FEE in rupee terms in April 2012 over April 2011 was 17.8 per cent, according to the data released by the Ministry of Tourism.

In India, medical tourism is a new untapped sector valued at more than US$ 310 million.

Currently, India receives more than 100,000 foreign patients a year. The number of medical tourists is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 19 per cent to reach 1.3 million by 2013.

Indian Tourism  INDIAN tourism AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

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