Indian Sugar Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Indian Sugar industry INDIAN SUGAR INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012Indian Sugar industry

For 2011-2012, India was expected to produce about 25-26 million tonnes of sugar, according to Industry based data. But the country had produced 24.3 million tonnes in 2010-11.

India's domestic demand for sugar is almost 21-22 million tonne and the balance is available for exports.

Maharashtra, India's largest sugar producer, may miss its sugar production target of about 9.3 million tonne this season as cane yields are seen falling with farmers probably shifting to other crops due to unfavourable climatic conditions and delayed monsoon.

Indian Sugar in 2011-2012

Export of the first tranche in the new season has started under the open general licence. Around 10 factories have got permits as in December , 2011 to export sugar.

Probable Chinese imports of sugar from India, in order to shore up their exhausted stocks may have a positive impact on Indian prices.

Other than China, India is expected to sell sugar to Indonesia, east Africa and West Asia.

Indian Sugar Industry  INDIAN Sugar Industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Sugar Industry  Indian Sugar Mill Association

Indian Industry  back to sugar INDUSTRies


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