Indian Printing Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Indian Printing Industry INDIAN PRINTING INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Indian Printing Industry

The Indian Printing Industry is well established and presently growing at 12% per annum. According to a report India is the world's fastest growing printing market with a 73% rate of growth from 2006-2011.

India's printing market is about $ 12.1 billion and is forecast to grow to US $ 20.9 billion in a year's time.

There are more than 8000 daily newspapers published in India, besides a large number of weekly and fortnightly periodicals published in all Indian languages.

The Indian Printing Industry today comprises more than 250,000 big, small and medium printers with a total turnover of more than US $ 12 billion.

Indian printing in 2011-2012
India is the fastest growing printing industry riding on the growth rate of 12 per cent annually. Indian printing industry has gone through a revolutionary transformation in the last 15 years because of liberalization of economy and privatization of the industries. Inflow of investment in buying latest technology and sophisticated machinery has led the industry to modernization. Newspaper, Periodicals and Magazines publishing houses are sanctioned 26 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and government is assessing the request for uplift in FDI from 26 to 49 per cent.

The printing machine market continues to expand and will keep progressing in the years to come. The prospect of printing industry in India is promising because international players of printing industry started stepping into the market, with the aim of capturing wide and untapped market.

Indian Printing Industry  INDIAN printing Industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

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