The per capita availability of poultry in India is around 53 eggs per year in the year 2010-11.
Exports of poultry products were around 372 crore in 2009-10 as per the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).
Four regional Central Poultry Development Organizations located at Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Mumbai, and Hessarghatta are focusing on production of stocks suitable for backyard rearing, and imparting training to the farmers to upgrade their technical skills.
The "Poultry Development" scheme in India comprises three components, namely Assistance to State Poultry Farms, Rural Backyard Poultry Development, and Poultry Estates, which is being implemented on a larger sccale.
Further, in order to encourage entrepreneurship skills of individuals, a central-sector 'Poultry Venture Capital Fund' Scheme is also being implemented on capital subsidy mode since April 2011, covering various poultry activities.