The total gem and jewelry industry exports were recorded at US$42839 million (INR 204823 crores) in FY 2011-12 as compared to US$ 42995 million (INR 195735 crores) in April 2010 - March 2011.
Though in dollar terms there is a marginal drop of .36%, the exports mark an increase of 4.6% in rupee value. The gem and jewelry sector accounted for 14% of India's total merchandise exports in FY 2011-2012.

The exports grew from US$ 12695 million (INR 57747.67 crores) in 2010-2011 to US$ 16517 million (INR 79430.26 crores) in 2011-2012.
Coloured gemstone exports witnessed an increase of 9.10% in dollar terms with sector recording growth from US$ 314.20 million in 2010-2011 to US$ 342.80 million in 2011-2012.
INDIAN jewellery industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013
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