Indian Garment Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Indian garment industry INDIAN GARMENT INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Indian garment industry

The Apparel Export Promotion Council reports that the exports have reached $12,145 million in the recent months and the growth is good for the industry and is revealing a profit margin which is more than the profit earned last year. The growth of export is 1.5% more than the export of the last year. In terms of money, the growth of export is 9.8% more than the corresponding month of the last year export

Textile and garment exports by India reached $31 billion to $32 billion in 2011-12, falling short of the target by a tad despite a sharp depreciation of the rupee.The country shipped out textile products and garments worth $26.8 billion in the 2010-11 fiscal. Apparel exports account for nearly half of the total shipments by the textile and garments industry.

The government expected the exports to rise in 2011-12 as demand seemed to have returned after the global financial turmoil in 2008, but the debt crisis in Europe erupted, jeopardizing shipment prospects.

Indian Garment Industry  INDIAN garment INDUSTRY AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

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