Indian Flim Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Film Industry INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Film Industry

There is no measurable database in India to estimate the actual size, annual production investments, accurate box office returns, etc. relating to the film industry in India. This makes the task of facilitating the growth of the Indian film industry more challenging and there is an urgent need to put in place appropriate mechanisms that ensure maintenance of certain quantifiable parameters of performance of the film sector, as also a data bank of industry professionals across various streams of filmmaking.

At present data available on film personnel is confined to industry personnel who are members of various film industry associations such as Film Federation of India, Film Producers' Guild, Indian Motion Pictures Association, South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce, East India Motion Pictures Association and many more. None of these organizations can claim to represent the interests of the entire Indian film sector and as such cannot provide accurate figures for the film sector.

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