Indian Cottage Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Handlooms through Cottage Industry INDIAN COTTAGE INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Handlooms through Cottage Industry

In India, the cottage industry is run jointly by the co-operation of the public and the private sectors. Almost every state in India has its own set of cottage industries whose art and craft items depict the traditional art form and the culture of that region. They prove to be boons for those who are self-employed by providing them with the means to earn their livelihood. The "Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana Scheme",(PMRYS) which was launched for the educated but unemployed youth by the government of India is providing training and marketing for the cottage industries.

Under the Ninth Five-year Plan Period, a target of training 90,500 persons was made out of which 68,525 persons were actually trained. 73,672 applications were sanctioned for providing financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 380.84 crores and an amount of Rs. 297.21 crores was actually dispersed to 59,578 applicants. The subsidy was met entirely by the Government of India.

Indian Cottage in 2011-2012
Under the Tenth Five-year Plan, the areas identified by the government for the development of SSIs are "Leather and Leather products", "Textiles and Readymade Garments", "Gems and Jewellery", "Pharmaceuticals", "Information Technology", "Bio-Technology", "Automobile Component", "Food Processing", "Coir Industries", etc. The introduction of Market Development Assistance scheme (M D A), Entrepreneur Development Institute (E . D . I .), State Industries Centers - EDP Training, Women Entrepreneur Development Programme, Construction of DIC building, maintenance, contribution to specific fund (TTM) etc, Assistance to Coir Industrial Co-operative Societies, Assistance for setting up of Industries (Capital Investment Subsidy to SSI Units) etc, has made it possible for the cottage industries to flourish well. "Handloom Weavers Co-operative Societies", "Spinning Industry", "Power loom Industry", "Garments Industry", "Knitwear Industry", "Processing Industry", etc have all been set up to encourage the working of these SSIs. The cottage industry in India is making rapid strides in the current fiscal, though there are no certified statistical data supporting the same.

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