Indian Cosmetic Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Cosmetic Industry INDIAN COSMETIC INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Cosmetic Industry

The Indian cosmetics industry witnessed a strong growth in the recent years. It has emerged as one of the markets holding immense growth potential. With the rising beauty concerns among both Indian men and women, the Indian cosmetics sector would continue to expand remarkably in near future. New product launches catering to consumers' growing requirements would fuel growth in the industry, for which the future outlook seems exceptionally bright.

In 2010, the industry registered impressive sales worth INR 288.7 Billion (US$ 5.8 Billion). Rising purchasing power and fashion consciousness have been driving the sector, wherein the players are investing heavily into promotional activities to increase consumer awareness. With these, the Indian cosmetic industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of around 22% during 2011-2014.

Indian Cosmetic industry in 2011-2012
Cosmetic companies have been offering specialized products to generate additional revenues, and opting for online retailing to attract new customers. Cosmeceuticals and Nutricosmetics are one of the few emerging trends in the Indian cosmetics market, which has also been expanding its footprints to smaller cities and rural areas.

Cosmetic Industry  INDIAN cosmetic industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Cosmetic Industry  Cosmetology Society of India

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