Indian Coir Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Indain Coir IndustryINDIAN COIR INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Indain Coir Industry

India is a major exporter of coir and coir products to the world. Coir exports grew by 47% in volume terms and 26% in Rupee value terms, over the year-ago level. India exported coir and coir products worth Rs. 804 Crore in 2009-10 Fiscal.

In the 2010-11 Fiscal, the country's total exports amounted to $247.4 Billion, while coir exports amounted to Rs.807.07 Crore.

Indian Coir Industry employs more than 1.5 lakh weavers and 4 lakh spinners. The industry has been lagging behind when compared to the other similar industries due to the lack of modernization and marketing efforts on a large scale. Indian Coir industry is second to agriculture as a source of employment mainly in Kerala, providing employment to 3.83 lakh persons, of whom about 3.25 lakh are women.

Indian Coir industry in 2011-2012
At present, coir and its products are exported to more than 80 countries, with US being the biggest market with a share of more than 40% in the total export. European countries together share more than 41 % of the exports.

Kerala is the home of Indian coir industry where white fiber, accounting for 61% of coconut production and over 85% of coir products are from women. With 10.05 lakh hectares having coconut cultivation in Kerala, which accounts for 45% of the net cropped area.

Export of coir projects are projected to further grow by 1.2% per annum to 80,000 tons in 2012, while exports of fiber are expected to expand to about 123,000 tons.

Indian Coir Industry  INDIAN coir industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

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