Indian Biscuit Industry

Other Industries in 2011-2012   


Biscuit Industry INDIAN BISCUIT INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE IN 2011 - 2012 Biscuit Industry

The 10,000 crore biscuit industry is invaded by new players even as older players struggle to discover new markets and grow the market share. In India, the turnover of the industry is pegged at 3000 crores of which the unorganized sector accounts for as much as 35%. India is the third largest manufacturer of biscuits after USA and China. The industry is expected to grow at a rate of 15 to 17% in the next few years.

Britannia, Parle-G, Priyagold, ITC Sunfeast are some of the popular brands. Biscuits are placed at a higher value chain than Bread in India. This is the reason biscuits occupy 60% of the production capacity of bakeries. Cadbury, Nestle and Brooke Bond tried to enter the biscuit market but their efforts flopped. But things are changing now. A battery of new players (Kraft, Pepsico, United Biscuits, Glaxo, and Danone)are waiting to enter the biscuit market.

Indian Biscuit Industry in 2011-2012
The domestic players are competing against each other in their respective product segments. Though the demand for glucose biscuits is strong, the market share continues to decline as healthier brands (fiber rich) are available. Surprisingly, the Indian market is still largely un-penetrated and this offers ample scope for growth. At present, it stands third in position among food industry in revenue generation.

The organized sector continues to face competition from the unorganized players. Bakeries and retail coffee shops have started making biscuits in-house. Even as the established players continue to innovate with new products, sustainability is definitely a cause for concern.

Indian Biscuit Industry  INDIAN biscuit industry AT A Glance IN 2012 - 2013

Indian Biscuit Industry  Indian Biscuit Manufactures Association

Indian Industry  back to biscuit INDUSTRY


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